Chapter 73

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Want to quietly wear a couple's outfit, it's quite difficult...

    After Bian Xiaoyue went back, Bai Niannian and the others first studied the specific plan, for example, who will go to the scumbag's side to arrest people at night, and who will arrest Hu Min.

    Hu Min has been brought back by the business people, and is separated from the scumbag, so they have to act separately.

    "I'll take Lao Hu, Erhu and Xiaoqin, let's go catch Hu Min." After everyone discussed it for a long time, Mother Hu took the initiative to speak.

    Hu Min's side also involves a person who is barely considered innocent. Whether this person will go or stay, Hu Ma still needs to see the situation.

    Because whether it is before the end of the world or after the end of the world, there are people like the man who negotiated business.

    You say he committed a crime, and he is.

    However, Hu Ma and the others are not the law, and there is no way to cure their sins.

    It's a simple and rude killing, Hu Ma felt that she was still a little uncomfortable.

    The other party's crime, before the end of the world, will be released in a few days, and the crime will not die. Hu Ma feels that she does not know if she can deal with it.

    Although it is said that the target of the other party's crime is Hu Min.

    But Hu Min, this bear, deserves to suffer a little!

    She put the oil in the pan, Hu Ma thinks it is not too much! ! !

    "Okay, I'll take Nian Nian and Brother Xu over to catch the scumbag, Guo Zi, you stay to take care of the other friends, and deal with people who may come to visit at any time, so that they don't think we have no one in the house, so they don't doubt anything. "Yu Tiantou agreed to Hu Ma's proposal and made other arrangements at the same time.

    Although there may not be people who come to visit at night, but just in case.

    They are not afraid of ward rounds, but they are afraid of trouble.

    Everyone discussed it, and after eating again, they each went to rest for a while, just waiting for the action at night.

    Because of the large number of rooms, they also reassigned a bit.

    Girls are reluctant to be separated, but it is true that one bed can't fit so many people. After conditions, everyone can sleep more loosely.

    After everyone discussed it, those who need to act at night will stay in the same room temporarily, and Le Jinyu and Chi Hong who do not need to act will sleep in the same room, so as to avoid affecting each other.

    The boys were also separated accordingly.

    Bai Niannian couldn't sleep, so he went to the living room to sit for a while.

    Yu Jing was also there, where he organized the space again.

    Seeing Bai Niannian coming, he deliberately took out a... children's sofa and handed it over: "Sit on this, this is soft."

    Looking at the childlike sofa, Bai Niannian was speechless.

    That is, he is so small that he can barely sit on this sofa.

    After Bai Niannian was silent, he took over the sofa, sat down next to Yu Jing, and started operating the system.

    There is still a while before they move. Yu Jing has no intention of sleeping. He also needs to think about the development of the team afterward. He also needs to organize points and organize the items in the space.

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