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You accidentally got a piece of superb beef brisket

    Bai Niannian subconsciously wanted to look back, but the sharp blade came again!

    Bai Niannian seriously doubts whether the mutant plants have the ability to detect them. Knowing who is the weakest in this group, do you keep hitting them?

    Otherwise, how to explain, from the beginning to now, Bai Niannian has hardly any free time here, there are many roots and stems, but there is always one that has been attacking her.

    Even if you are blocked or beaten badly, it is like setting a program. If you are repelled, you will come back!

    I didn't have time to see what happened behind me, but when I saw a steel pipe swung out in Yu Jing, I thought it shouldn't be a big problem.

    Looking at the oncoming rhizomes, Bai Nian Nian decides to change his strategy!

    She held the umbrella with one hand and tried to block it in front of her, while the other hand reached into the bag.

    There is a fruit knife in the bag, which Yu Jing put there on purpose for her self-defense.

    For easy access, it is inserted horizontally on the side of the backpack without even the scabbard.

    Just wrap it in a thick layer of toilet paper to avoid cutting your hands.

    At this time, Bai Niannian took out the knife and blocked it with one hand, causing her arm to go numb, but she held the umbrella tightly in front of her and did not give the plant a chance to get close to her.

    However, after the plant has been beaten so many times, it has also changed.

    This time, it came not only with a large plant, but also a small plant.

    The big one carried out a violent attack, while the small one quietly bypassed Bai Niannian's arm, preparing for a sneak attack.

    "It's you!" Bai Niannian muttered in his heart as he looked at the plant that the other party was approaching, thicker than his own thumb, while holding the knife in his left hand, he swung it out fiercely.


    Very good, the left arm was also numb.

    However, Bai Niannian felt like he had punctured something, and at the same time there was Yu Jing's whispered reminder: "Back up!!!"

    There was a little urgency and a little panic in his voice.

    But Bai Niannian only heard the eagerness, and her mind was terrifyingly calm for a moment. She thought of what Yu Jing said before she came, that the plant would spray venom, and it might be a mutation of the dripping Guanyin.

    So, will the venom spurt out of the rhizomes after being cut by yourself?

    A moment of thinking did not affect Bai Niannian's body subconsciously taking a step back.

    In this step, the poisonous juice sprayed from the plant can be avoided. Because it is a small plant, the poisonous juice is not sprayed far.

    If you change to a larger rhizome, the white year will be less certain.

    After watching the sticky juice draw an arc in mid-air, it fell to the ground with a snap, and at the same time, another new rhizome attacked again.

    Knife cutting seemed inadvisable. Bai Niannian inserted the knife back again, holding the umbrella in both hands. This time, he did not block, but started to counterattack!

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