Chapter 8

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Are you going to ride a bull?

    The spider has eight legs, and the legs of the mutant spider are very hard, and Bai Niannian didn't break it for the first time.

    On the other hand, in Yujing, one stick and one leg knocked cleanly and neatly, and even the cross-section was particularly neat.

    If the uninformed saw it and thought he cut it with a knife, in fact, he struck it with a stick.

    In contrast, Bai Niannian's fighting power is simply unsightly.

    But Bai Niannian is not discouraged. If she fails once, she will try twice. As long as she has a chance to live, she can keep trying!

    The abilities of human beings are originally uneven. If you compare yourself with the strong in everything, and you end up being compared to yourself as a scumbag, I am afraid that you will not have the courage to live.

    However, Bai Nian Nian wants to live.

    It is better to die than to live. She is still young, and she has not seen the world well except for studying. She is not willing to give up this world or this life.

    So, get on the stick!

    One stick is not enough, then two sticks!

    The two sticks are quite good, because after the two sticks, the leg that Bai Niannian takes care of has been broken. The remaining half of the section was forcibly kicked off.

    "Sisi!!!!" Because the leg was broken so badly, it was first cracked by two sticks, and then kicked off by Yu Jing, so the spider broke out again with a tragic cry.

    The zombies outside were agitated again, but they still didn't come in, but the number was increasing.

    "Yu Jing, we have to speed up!" Bai Nian Nian landed just in time to see the zombies rushing towards the door. While his scalp was numb, he did not forget to remind Yu Jing.

    If they can't solve the battle as soon as possible, even if they kill the mutant spiders in the end, they probably won't be able to get out of the hotel.

    Yu Jing naturally saw this scene, so he answered in a hoarse voice: "Yeah." Then he accelerated.

    Yu Jing's speed was not slow at first, but now he increased his speed and jumped around like the wind.

    His jumping ability is really good, even if there is no external force, he just jumps out of thin air, and the height is not low.

    "Is it because of supernatural powers?" Bai Niannian muttered in his heart, but he didn't think much about it, just focused on his own affairs.

    Not to mention her bouncing ability, her athletic ability is very poor, so it is impossible to jump, and she can only move her hands against the most grounded legs of the spider.

    In fact, the eight legs of the spider do not need to be completely cut off, and the vitality of the other party will be gone.

    Yu Jing quickly killed four legs, and worked with Bai Niannian to kill one, and Bai Niannian killed one by himself, and the huge body of the spider fell to the ground.

    The other party was too big, and after crashing to the ground, he almost occupied the position of the door.

    If two people want to go, they need to step over the spider's body.

    Bai Nian Nian: .

    Looking at the sharp thorns on the spider's legs, Bai Niannian kept hypnotizing himself: I'm blind, I'm blind, I'm blind...

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