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Want to give her the best

    Bai Niannian was terrified, and felt that the boss was suddenly gentle, which was simply too scary.

    Others think it's normal. In their opinion, these two are a couple, so Yu Jing feels bad for Bai Niannian and wants to help her wash her hair. What's the problem?

    Isn't this the most normal thing between couples?

    Is there a problem?

    no problem!

    Therefore, everyone is not surprised, and no one is curious to ask more.

    Regarding what Xu Pingyuan wants to say, Yu Jing has also considered: "Since it is a team, we must act together, let's study later, how to go about the route."

    This is the answer, to accompany Chi Hong back Take a look at things at home.

    Hearing Yu Jing's words, Xu Pingyuan and the others were quietly relieved.

    Yu Jing's eagle eyes looked too fierce when he wasn't smiling.

    Even though Xu Pingyuan was several years older than him, it was quite stressful to meet Yu Jing who didn't smile.

    But Chi Hong, a little girl, cried pitifully, and wanted to go home to see her family. This is human nature.

    It was because of his understanding, and the friendship that he had spent together two days ago, that he wanted to accompany each other.

    Yang Qin also meant this, but they were afraid that Yu Jing would find it troublesome, so they broke up on the spot, and everyone played their own way.

    Now, Yu Jing's words have made his attitude clear, and everyone can breathe a sigh of relief.

    Before Bai Niannian could react, he was pulled by Yu Jing and entered the bathroom.

    At this moment, the sky has darkened, and it is officially night, so the temperature is lower again.

    In this room, which was close to the corridor window, the cold wind was seeping under the door.

    The water they used to wash before in the bathroom has now formed a thin layer of ice.

    Yu Jingxian went in and almost fell over.

    After reacting, one hand still held Bai Niannian steadily, and the other hand tried to find a balance.

    Seeing this, Bai Niannian whispered: "Be careful!!!"

    Yu Jing adjusted in time and didn't fall. He didn't care about himself, but turned around, looked at Bai Niannian, and saw that she was safe. OK, that's relieved.

    "I'm fine, I haven't even gone in yet." Seeing him like this, Bai Niannian is still a little puzzled.

    After explaining softly, he carefully prepared to step forward.

    "Wait a minute." Yu Jing wasn't ready to let Bai Niannian take risks, so he held Bai Niannian's hand with a little strength and reminded him softly.

    Yu Jing's strength is well controlled and will not hurt Bai Niannian.

    Before waiting for Bai Niannian to ask, he has already taken the initiative to activate the ability and mobilize the fireball.

    Four volleyball-sized fireballs were suspended on the thin ice at the same time, and the thin ice was baked into water in a few minutes, and then Yu Jing manipulated the fireballs to slowly rise and levitate into the air.

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