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    Bai Niannian has spied on the possible relationship between Xu Pingyuan and Yang Qin from the previous clues.

    But other people are not necessarily so keen, so it is very possible that Hu Rangrang didn't understand.

    It's just that after he really asked, Bai Niannian felt that he was embarrassed for others, and he couldn't control it again.

    I always felt that my toes were scratched off the ground, that is, because of the thickness of the sole, I couldn't lift it.

    After Hu Rangrang's voice fell, the people who had seen it through were embarrassed to say something, and they all looked at the seasoning in their hands and did not speak.

    Hu Rangrang and Guo Xiang were the only ones who didn't understand. After Hu Rangrang finished asking, Guo Xiang also asked, "Yeah, aren't you a couple?" The

    two felt that this wasn't quite right. .

    According to Chi Hong, she was rescued by Xu Pingyuan and Yang Qin, who were in a room at the time.

    That's not a couple, they open a room in a hotel...

    Hu Guo and the others thought about it, and finally figured out why the atmosphere was awkward and weird at this time.

    After thinking about it, the two stiffened their bodies, clamped their buttocks, and honestly held the seasoning in their hands, looking at their noses and hearts, and dared not say another word.

    Yang Qin had already pinched his toes in embarrassment, but Xu Pingyuan generously let them look at and guess.

    Regarding Hu Rangrang's words, he originally wanted to reply, but he was afraid that Yang Qin would feel embarrassed. After thinking about it, he didn't say anything, but just smiled: "I have been practicing this craft for almost ten years, and I can't help it. After my father remarries, I will have nothing to do with me at home, I have to learn everything by myself and make my own plans."

    Probably Xu Pingyuan started this topic, so that everyone carried a portion of potato and chicken. When I was eating, I unconsciously continued to talk about this topic.

    It was Xu Pingyuan who spoke first, after all, he had not finished speaking yet.

    After this day and night, Xu Pingyuan felt that he could try to give more trust to this team.

    The more he gives, the more the other party gives back.

    In the team, even if they have their own thoughts, they are all kind people. Xu Pingyuan feels that some things can still be talked about, and it is a confession.

    "My mother died when I was ten years old. I had my milk in the early years. Even if my stepmother was not kind, I could live on. When I was sixteen, my milk was gone. Don't ask, the whole family is dominated by the stepmother, and life can't go on at all. She didn't even pretend that she didn't even have enough food at home, and said she wanted to give me away, but I'm so old, who can I give? "Xu Pingyuan's voice was a little heavy, but when he talked about the past, he didn't have much emotion.

    Probably too many years have passed, and no matter how much resentment, it will slowly dissipate.

    He has a peaceful mind now, but it doesn't mean that he no longer hates those people, but because he wants to let go of himself and live a good life, and he doesn't want to let himself be trapped in that difficult and bitter past all his life, so he can go no matter what. not come out.

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