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No, wait, what is your ability...

    Hu Ma's face turned pale with fright, and her eyes were blank.

    Anyone who is still familiar with supernatural powers suddenly goes to heaven, and their hearts will panic.

    In addition, after going to the sky, before he could react, the mutant Haidongqing rushed over.

    You know, this thing is very fierce!

    Even if you don't know its ferocious nature, who can not panic when you see such a big bird rushing towards you?

    Bai Niannian felt that if it was her, she would panic too.

    Therefore, at this time, she can completely understand Hu Ma's dazed look.

    Hu Rangrang and Hu Dad were both terrified, and at this moment they didn't care about Hu's mother's fall, and even after they reacted, they would like to thank Chicken Dazhuang.

    Because if it wasn't for the strong chicken, Hu's mother still doesn't know where she fell.

    "Mom, are you alright? How are you feeling?" Hu Rangrang was so frightened that his mouth trembled and he tried a few times before he could say a complete sentence. Go to the hospital against people.

    Hey, that's not right. In the current hospital, I don't know if there are too many doctors or too many zombies.

    Dad Hu also had a worried look on his face. He held Mommy Hu's other hand, and at the same time gently helped Mommy Hu to rub the rear vertebra, and asked in a trembling voice, "How are you feeling? Is there anything wrong? Say something. Say it!"

    Hearing her husband's son's voice, she felt that the hands touching her were warm and familiar, and Mother Hu slowly recovered, her face was still pale and bloodless, and her voice was trembling: "No It's okay."

    "Give Aunt Hu some hot water and let her slow down." Bai Niannian took the warm water from the system and handed it to Hu Rangrang.

    Hu Rangrang didn't refuse. After pursing his lips and saying thank you, he fed Mother Hu with water.

    Hu Ma slowed down for a long time, and finally couldn't stand the cold ground, so she endured the pain and stood up.

    [Laying hen: Yo! There are two more times, boy! ]

    [Laying hen: This is not beaten by your sister chicken, don't worry, sister chicken is here! ]


    At this time, a chicken and a sea dungeon in the sky have already fought to one place.

    Bai Niannian's eyes were still on Hu's mother, but she couldn't hold back the babble of the egg hen, and she couldn't control her babbling, just like there was a telegraph machine, always beside your ear, working non-stop. similar.

    After passing water to Hu Rangrang, Bai Niannian looked up at the battle situation in the sky.

    One chicken and one eagle are fighting in one place, and laying hens are not only not at a disadvantage, but even have an advantage.

    The battle ceiling of the carving world mutated Haidongqing, and at this time, it was chased and beaten by the laying hens.

    The other party wanted to run, but the laying hen didn't allow it at all, and tried his best to use his short wings to contain it!

    Hai Dongqing is estimated that there is no way to be entangled, and in the end, he can only have a hard time with it!

    I don't know if five minutes are enough for laying hens, and I don't know if Haidongqing is a creature or not.

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