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Crayfish, crayfish! ! ! ...

    After two words, the other party paused for a while, and then said in a soft voice: "The survivor of the bathing center next door, I am human, and there is only one person for the time being. I am here to ask, do you have any antipyretics? I You can exchange things, I have instant noodles, sausages, biscuits, chocolates here." The

    one in the bathroom next door?

    Is it the one who wanted to go in and avoid it before, but was sent a big thunderbolt by the other party?

    After hearing this, everyone's mood was complicated, and their expressions became even more complicated.

    What is this?

    Thirty years Hedong, thirty years Hexi?

    In fact, as soon as the first two words came out, Yu Jing knew who the people outside were.

    Li Fei.

    Although the two were not familiar with each other, Yu Jing always remembered each other's voice.

    Because someone around me said that Li Fei's voice was a pregnancy sound, the kind of voice that made people want to give birth to a child after hearing it.

    Although Yu Jing didn't quite understand what kind of voice this was.

    Of course, his voice has also been evaluated by those people, saying that his voice is the kind of voice that wants to knock him down after listening to it...

    Yu Jing's face turned black after hearing this.

    Those people knew he didn't like it, and they didn't say it in front of him after that.

    However, it allowed Yu Jingji to clearly understand Li Fei's voice.

    The other party came to ask for antipyretics?

    It should be that the opponent's team has the awakening ability of a member, and it burns fiercely, right?

    Of course, it could also be just a common cold and fever.

    Although the two people did not have any intersection in their previous life, the other party was also considered a decent person, and it was not a disadvantage to help out.

    Most of the things in the rest space are his own, so he can call the shots.

    However, those medicines have nothing to do with other people, but they have something to do with Bai Niannian.

    After all, if it wasn't for Bai Niannian to save him, they wouldn't have just gone to that pharmacy and collected so many medicines.

    Thinking of this, Yu Jing turned his head and asked Bai Niannian in a low voice, "Do you want to give them some antipyretics?"

    As for why he was so kind, Yu Jing naturally couldn't explain the fact that he and Li Fei knew each other in their previous lives. If you use it, you can only say one sentence: it is not easy for people who are alive.

    And the other party is not free, there is something in exchange.

    The other party is also a dual-type ability user, and one ability is also a space.

    It is also because of this that in the last life there were always people who said that the intersection between them was not deep, because the overlap of abilities was too high, so the king did not see the king.

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