106: We're both alive

310 14 4

April 16th - Prompt: I bet my life


"You never should've done it." Peter all but growled.

Edmund swallowed hard, sighing. He'd been waiting for this, waiting for Peter to get angry, and in all fairness his older brother had managed to hold it in for longer than Edmund thought he  could. "Peter..." He murmured, shaking his head a little.

But Peter cut him off. "No." He snapped. "Why were you so willing to just throw away your life like that?"

Edmund bit his lip. "I wasn't ready to throw it away." He grumbled. "I was ready to save yours."

Peter ran a hand through his hair, shaking his head. "It was a stupid thing to do." He choked.

Edmund sighed. "Was it?" He asked. "Because last time I checked we're both alive because of it."

"Barely!" Peter argued. "Ed, she stabbed you! You're so weak-"

"At least I'm alive!"

"Just!" Peter snapped. "A few seconds later and you wouldn't be! You so stupidly threw yourself at Jadis, and look what happened!"

"I saved you from being turned into stone!" Edmund hissed. "At least be grateful."

He regretted his words the second he'd said them, because he knew Peter was beyond grateful, he'd already thanked him multiple times since it happened the day before, and now was the probably perfectly justified anger, after all he'd probably be angry too if Peter had risked his life for him.

Peter stared at him. "I am grateful and you know it." He murmured. "But I am also angry, I don't know why but I am!"

Edmund sighed. "I know." He all but whispered.

"You know I'm angry or you know I'm grateful?" Peter muttered.

"Both." Edmund sighed in reply. "But what good will being angry do? I know you're angry, I've known since you walked me back to camp Peter. But it's not doing anything but hurting me when you talk to me like that..." He trailed off, what he'd said was true of course, it was hurting him both physically and mentally, but he hated to guilt trip his brother.

Peter took a deep breath, and was silent for a long while, before swallowing hard. "Okay." He murmured.

"If you're really that angry, go into the woods and just scream." Edmund said with a tiny grin.

Peter managed a small, barely noticeable laugh at this, before sitting down beside his brother. "You okay?" He murmured.

Edmund smiled. "I'll be fine."


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