17: I really do mean it

464 21 7

Jan 17th - Prompt: Photograph



Edmund rolled his eyes in the darkness of the shelter, not bothering to roll over from where he lay with his back to his older brother.

"Edmund don't ignore me." Peter said somewhat firmly, keeping his voice down because everyone else was asleep. "I know you're awake."

Edmund once again rolled his eyes, but this time turned over and sat up, glaring up at his brother. "What." He snapped.

Peter almost couldn't hold back a glare of his own, but swallowed hard. "Are you okay?" He asked slowly, sounding unsure if he should even be asking the question.

Edmund blinked at him. "What do you mean?"

Peter raised his eyebrow slightly. "Are you hurt?" He said.

Edmund hesitated. "I'm fine." He grumbled.

Peter didn't believe him. "Are you hurt?" He repeated, somewhat angry that Edmund wouldn't tell him.

Edmund glared at his brother before holding out his hand, Peter just about managing to see the cut going across his palm.

"From the glass?" Peter guessed, already reaching for his handkerchief.

Edmund only nodded, not looking at all happy.

"Why did you go back in for a Photograph Ed." Peter muttered as he dabbed at the blood on Edmunds hand, making his younger brother flinch.

"Like you'd understand." Edmund snapped quietly, looking anywhere but at Peter.

Peter stared at him for a moment or two before wrapping the handkerchief around his hand and tieing it as tightly as he dared. "You hurt yourself Ed." He said firmly. "And could've very well gotten us both killed."

"Yeah, well I didn't ask you to come running after me did I?" Edmund grumbled, pulling his hand away from his brother.

"And what would've happened if I hadn't?" Peter said, voice tight.

Edmund didn't answer, only swallowed hard and looked down at the ground.

"You would've either been seriously injured or dead." Peter spat. "So a thank you would be nice."

Edmund swallowed hard again, he knew Peter was right, he knew his older brother had just saved his life, so letting go of his previous anger he managed to mutter a broken "thank you."

Peter looked slightly shocked at this, having not expected Edmund to actually say it, before he took a deep breath. "You're welcome." He all but whispered in reply, before clearing his throat. "We'll find a new frame for the Photograph." He breathed. "Please don't touch it until then, I don't want you cutting yourself again."

" 'kay." Edmund muttered, nodding before laying back down and turning with his back to Peter again.

Peter stared at him for a long while, before taking a deep breath and laying down himself, staring up at the ceiling of the shelter, enjoying the silence.

"I really do mean it you know."

Peter almost jumped at the quiet whisper, turning his head to look at Edmund's back; his brother wasn't going to turn around.

But Peter couldn't help but smile at what he'd said, even if Edmund couldn't see him. "I know." He whispered, before turning over and closing his eyes.


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