62: You always do the right thing

348 17 3

March 3rd - Prompt: Cure


"Hand over the cure." Peter all but spat from where he was sat on the edge of Edmund's bed, Edmund all but unconscious beneath the sheets.

The man smirked. "If anyone comes one step closer, I drop it and the vial smashes across the floor," He said. "Spilling all the oh so precious liquid."

Peter swallowed hard, shaking his head.

Ever since Edmund had been cut with that poisoned dagger, he had been searching high and low for a cure, and now that the man who had cut him with it had been caught, he had a small chance.

"Hand. It. Over." Peter murmured. "Or you will be done for treason."

The man chuckled. "What makes you think I'm going to hand it over?" He asked. "I have been captured and brought here against my will-"

"For good reason!" Peter bellowed, making Lucy flinch from where her and Susan sat on the other side of the bed. "You have poisoned the king of Narnia! You either heal him or suffer the consequences."

Edmund groaned where he lay, and Peter quickly quietened him before turning back to the man. "Hand it over or so help me, I promise you I'll kill you myself."

"No one is gonna dare come anywhere near me." The man spat. "I will be leaving now, and if anyone follows me, I drop the vial, do I make myself clear?"

Peter swallowed hard, nodding at two gaurds to block the door.

"Order your gaurds away." The man spoke, voice calm. "That's just another reason for me to drop it."

Peter hesitated, but he couldn't take it any longer.

The man's back was turned, as he was busy trying to leave the room, so Peter took the opportunity to leap from the bed and tackle him to the floor, taking the man completely by surprise if his gasp was anything to go by, he clearly hadn't thought Peter could move that quickly.

Peter wrestled with the man, trying to prise the vial from his fingertips, not caring about the punches he was receiving for trying.

As soon as Peter had the man in a secure hold, the two gaurds jumped in, and then it was rather easy for Peter to retrieve the vial, and the man was dragged from the floor and held against the wall.

Peter weakly stood up, an arm wrapped around his stomach as he coughed a few times, the punches clearly having bruised a rib or two, but he didn't pay much attention to his own pain, and headed back over to the bed.

"Ed?" He whispered, running a hand through Edmunds sweat soaked hair. "Here, I have the cure, you reckon you could open your mouth?"

A small frown appeared on the seventeen year olds face, but he opened his mouth just a little bit, and Peter almost thought he looked relieved.

The second his mouth was open, Peter tipped the vial and the cure fell into Edmunds mouth, and was soon swallowed, allowing Peter to relax, as Edmund did a few moments later.

"This isn't the end!"

Peter's head snapped up to the man who had been the cause of his brother's pain. "You - you have attempted to kill the just King of Narnia, for no reason whatsoever-"

"I beg to differ." The man snorted.

"He has done nothing to deserve death." Peter growled. "And I swear if you mention his past I will personally kill you right here and right now."


Peter was shocked at the quiet voice, and turning saw Edmund, eyes open, face no longer white as snow, and even maybe with a small smile on his face. "Banish him."

Peter frowned. "What?" He murmured.

Edmund sighed. "He never succeeded in killing me." He told him.

"He damn well tried." Peter argued back.

Edmund sighed, and with Susan's help he managed to sit up and face his almost murderer. "You will leave Narnia and never return." He said, voice as strong as he could make it. "You will also be shown no hospitality in any neighbouring country, you are on your own. But if you do ever have the nerve to enter Narnia again, I will have no choice but to let my brother end your life, have I made myself clear?"

The man glared at him, so much so that Peter placed a hand on his sword hilt even though the man was held securely by two fully grown centaurs. "Crystal." He spat. "Your majesty."

Edmund swallowed hard. "Take him to the boarder of Narnia, any one, it doesn't matter." He told the gaurds. "Make sure he leaves, and get word to the surrounding countries that he is to be left alone."

"Isn't he a danger to everyone else?" Lucy stepped in, worry in her voice.

But Edmund shook his head. "He only wants me, he has absolutely no interest in killing, or even hurting anyone else, am I right?" He stared at the man, a knowing look in his eye.

"Indeed you are." The man told him. "And mark my words I will find a way of doing it."

Edmund shook his head. "Then my brother, I'm sure, will show no mercy." He said casually. "You have been warned."

The man snorted, before he was led away and from the room, the door closing behind him.

Edmund relaxed and leant against Peter, eyes closing in relief for a second as he took a deep breath.

"Ed what if he comes back?" Peter murmured.

"Then you have my permission to end his life." Edmund told him. "He's been warned, if he decides to come back then that's up to him, but he will lose his life if that's what he decides to do."

Peter nodded slowly. "You always stay so calm during these type of situations." He breathed. "And you always do the right thing, I would've just killed him."

"And that's because you're protective Peter." Edmund told him. "And that's nothing to be ashamed about, trust me."

Peter gave him a sad smile. "Well," He breathed. "Let's just hope he doesn't come back."

But unfortunately, for him more than anyone else, he did indeed come back.

Peter had walked into Edmunds bedroom to say goodnight to him around a week later, to find the man holding a dagger to his brother's throat, whispering something to him, and he didn't even hesitate.

Edmund stared at the dead man on the floor, taking deep, shaky breaths. "I actually can't believe he came back." He murmured.

Peter sighed, pulling Edmund away from the body. "I can." He grumbled. "What I want to know though is how he made it all the way here and inside without being seen."

"Something tells me he's a smart man." Edmund replied quietly.

Peter snorted. "Obviously not as smart as he seems if he thought he could get away with another assassination attempt on you." He all but spat.

Edmund stared at him for a while, before sighing. "Thanks." He whispered.

Peter looked down at him and smiled. "Don't mention it."


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