155: I wouldn't want it any other way

240 13 4

June 4th - Prompt: Family



Peter turned from where he'd been chatting to a pair of fauns, glancing down at his little sister with a question look. "Lu?"

Lucy hesitated. "I'm tired." She murmured eventually, sighing in defeat.

Peter smirked a little. "Well I'm surprised you lasted until gone midnight." He said. "I saw your eyes drooping an hour ago."

Lucy gave him an unimpressed look, but it was totally ruined when she yawned.

"Come on." Peter said quietly, taking Lucy's hand, "Let's get you up to bed."

The two headed slowly up through the castle and up to Lucy's room, where Peter let her get changed before helping her under the covers of her huge bed. "I wouldn't be surprised if I come in here tomorrow and can't find you." He chuckled gently.

Lucy smiled as she lay her head on the pillow, her eyes already closed. "You're You're sometimes." She murmured.

Peter smiled gently, brushing her hair from her eyes. "Night Lu." He whispered. "I'll see you in the morning."

Lucy nodded, still smiling. "Goodnight Peter." She breathed. "Love you."

Peter stood, his smile getting a little wider. "Love you too." He whispered softly, before quietly leaving the room, making sure to shut the door quietly on his way out.

With a warm sigh he headed back down to the coronation party, scanning the room and spotting Susan staring out the window at the stars.

Heading over he placed a hand on her shoulder, Susan turning around and smiling at him. "I just took Lucy to bed." He told her. "She finally admitted she was tired."

Susan chuckled. "I was wondering how long she'd last." She breathed.

Peter smiled. "I have no doubt she's asleep already." He sighed.

Susan nodded a little. "I wouldn't be surprised." She agreed.

"Where's Ed?" Peter asked, scanning the room again.

"Sat on the stairs over there." Susan told him, nodding over to the left. "He claims he just needs to rest his legs, but he's looking tired."

"He is tired." Peter sighed.

"He'll let us know when he wants to sleep." Susan told him. "He knows he can't stay awake much longer."

Peter hesitated, but nodded his head, and sure enough, after half an hour, he felt a light tap on his shoulder.

"I'm tired." Edmund murmured.

Peter nodded, smiling gently. "Come on." He breathed, placing a hand on his brother's shoulder and leading him from the room. "You look it."

Edmund raised an eyebrow a little. "Do I look that bad?" He asked with a gentle smirk.

"Noooo." Peter teased softly, chuckling.

Edmund stared at him for a moment, before sighing. "Tonight was fun." He murmured.

Peter nodded in agreement. "It was quite something." He breathed.

Edmund was silent for a while, before eventually taking a deep breath. "I - I can't believe I ever wanted this to myself." He choked. "Without you guys, my own family."

Peter could hear the pure pain in his voice, and had to blink back tears quickly. "Ed please don't think about that." He sighed. "It's over."

Edmund bit his lip. "Know I don't feel the same now though." He said, almost desperately. "I want to rule alongside you, alongside my family, I wouldn't want it any other way."

Peter wrapped an arm around Edmunds shoulders and pulled him close as they walked. "I know Ed." He whispered. "I promise you I know."

Edmund smiled gently, resting his head against Peter's neck until they reached Peter's room.

"You seriously don't mind sharing for the time being?" Edmund murmured.

Peter frowned. "Of course not." He told him. "If anything I want to share, I don't know if I want you out of my sight at the moment, and I know you're not comfortable being alone."

Edmund looked a little ashamed at this, but managed to hide the look from Peter. "Thanks." He whispered.

"Get into my bed." Peter said as they walked into the room. "They said they can get another bed in here some point this week."

Edmund nodded. "Thank you." He murmured, staring up at Peter.

Peter stared back for a while, before slowly nodding his head, the tiniest of smiles appearing on his face. "Don't mention it."


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