192: Barely awake

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July 11th - Prompt: Awake


"I'm barely awake Peter!" Edmund grumbled, pulling his pillow over his head.

Peter rolled his eyes. "You need to get up." He said. "The train to school leaves in two hours."

"Two hours is enough time for me to get a little bit more sleep." Edmund shot back.

"You're awake anyway." Peter pointed out. "You might as well get up."

Edmund groaned. "I wouldn't be awake if it wasn't for you." He muttered, but he still forced himself to at least sit up.

Peter was currently pulling back the curtains, which caused Edmund to slam his eyes shut when the sun hit him like a truck. "Too - bright." He growled through gritted teeth.

Peter stared at him with raised eyebrows, but drew the curtains again. "Get up and get dressed." He said. "We need to leave soon."

Edmund sighed, opening his eyes and pulling back his duvet. "It's too early to be up." He complained.

Peter sighed. "I'd much rather we be up early because we're going out for a ride, or going to practice with our swords." He admitted.

"See now those I can get up early for." Edmund said as he dragged himself from his bed. "School though, not so much."

"Do you think we'll ever go back?" Peter said quietly, now sat on the end of his bed.

Edmund stared at him for a while before nodding. "Of course we will." He breathed. "Aslan wouldn't leave us stuck here for the rest of our lives."

Peter sighed but nodded. "I guess not." He sighed, before standing. "Come on, get ready and then we'll have some breakfast."

Edmund nodded. "Peter?" He asked quickly.

Peter glanced up at him, a questioning looking on his tired face. "Yeah?" He asked slowly.

Edmund hesitated. "If you see Thomas and his friends at the train station..." He said. "Just walk away, the last thing we need is you getting into a fight."

Peter stared at him, before shrugging. "Whatever." He murmured, leaving the room before Edmund could say another word.

Edmund sighed to himself as he reached for his school uniform, his eyes slipping shut as he did. "Come on Aslan." He whispered. "Peter needs you now more than ever."


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