58: I didn't want to choose

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February 27th - Prompt: Making a choice


Edmund took a deep breath as he looked up, terrified to see Jadis wander into the cell.

She had a smirk on her face that made him shiver, his stomach doing a flip as he all of a sudden felt extremely sick.

She stopped in front of him, laughing at the way he was trying to stay upright. "You're a tough one." She breathed, inspecting the lashes covering his back. "I'll give you that."

Edmund swallowed hard, shaking. "Please." He murmured. "Please just no more."

Jadis laughed again, her laugh fading into a smirk. "I don't have to interrogate you anymore." She told him. "Because I have found what I was looking for."

Edmunds heart skipped a beat, and he stared up at the witch in shock. "No..." He whispered.

He could only stare as his sisters were led into the cell, forced to their knees beside the witch.

Neither of them looked hurt, but there were tears rolling down Lucy's cheeks and they both had their hands tied behind them.

Edmund had no strength to move, and the chains around his ankles wouldn't let him either, so all he could do was sit there.

"I'm gonna make this fun, okay?" Jadis murmured, causing Edmund to frown. "I'm gonna give you a choice, I can either kill you sisters, or... I kill your brother."

The second She said this, Peter was led into the cell, and he was very much injured.

He had a black eye that looked incredibly sore, a split lip, a gash going down one cheek, there was blood in his hair, his hands were tied behind him, and the gaurd who'd brought him in seemed to be keeping an extra tight grip on him.

It took Edmund a few moments to figure out what Jadis had actually said, and he wanted to vomit. "No." He choked.

Jadis laughed and pulled out her dagger. "I've a feeling an actual death would be more satisfactory." She said. "Instead of just turning whoever you choose into stone."

"I - I can't choose." Edmund sobbed.

"Who dies Edmund?!" Jadis said, raising her voice. "You make the choice or you all die! Your sister, or you brother, who's throat should I slit?"

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