163: Not quite what I meant

249 15 2

June 12th - Prompt: He knows


"Ed you should've told someone..."

Edmund bit his lip, hesitating. "Peter knows." He whispered.

Susan frowned. "He knows?" She murmured.

Edmund nodded slowly. "He - He knew I was injured." He said slowly. "He wouldn't leave the tent until he'd cleaned all of them."

Susan looked away from Edmunds wrists, which she'd discovered - quite by accident - were burned by ropes. "There's more?" She asked, sounding worried.

Edmund swallowed hard. "Well, yeah." He sighed. "The witch wasn't one for - mercy, let's say."

Susan stared at him. "I'm so sorry Ed." She sighed.

Edmund frowned at her. "It's not your fault." He said. "There's no one to blame but me."

Now Susan frowned. "And the witch." She said firmly.

Edmund lowered his gaze. "None of it would've happened if I hadn't willingly gone to her though." He murmured.

Susan bit her lip. "Ed she hurt you." She said quietly. "You can only blame that on her, what she did was wrong, and no one else's fault. You're twelve years old Edmund, a child, what happened was not your fault."

Edmund didn't have the strength to argue anymore, and only shrugged his shoulders a little.

"Come on, let's go and find Peter and Lucy." Susan said after a short while of silence. "I hear they're having a little celebration seeming as you were saved from the - the stone table."

Edmund blushed red, swallowing hard. "You know most of them still hate me right?" He said slowly.

Susan sighed. "Yeah I know." She breathed. "But only you can change that yeah? Show them you've changed. Do something spectacular to prove it to them."

Edmund smiled slightly. "I will." He whispered.


Susan clung to Edmund once they'd all returned to camp after the battle the next day, tears in her eyes. "You know," She whispered. "When I said do something spectacular, that's not quite what I meant."

Edmund smiled weakly, noticing Peter frown where he was stood in front of him little way off. "You know me." He said gently. "I have to make a scene."

Susan chuckled through her tears, noticing Edmund wince when she moved. "You should tell Peter-"

"He knows." Edmund cut her off, knowing she was gonna say to tell him he was still in a lot of pain. "Trust me," He stared at Peter, who stared right back at him, tears in his own bright blue eyes. "He knows."


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