61: I'll try

352 19 5

March 2nd: Prompt: Flashlight/torch



Edmund glanced up from his dinner, giving his Mum a questioning look. He was glad to be home after a term at school, that term being ridiculous bad seeming as they'd just gotten back from Narnia, but it was over now. "Yeah?" He asked.

His Mum was quiet for a while. "What happened to your torch?" She asked. "I haven't seen it since you got back."

Edmund froze, seeing all his siblings look up from their own food. "Um..." He hesitated, before taking a deep breath. "I think I left it at school."

Helen sighed. "You've had it for one term and you've lost it already." She muttered, but she sounded very amused.

Edmund smirked a little. "That's me." He said, before laughing.

He glanced at Lucy, who had to look down to hide her smirk, and that knowing look Edmund knew was in her eyes.

"I want you to try and find it when you go back after the holidays." Helen said firmly. "That was a birthday present, it would be sad if you lost it this soon after."

Edmund nodded, taking a deep breath. "Yeah." He breathed. "I'll try and find it."

But the four children knew he would never be able to, after all, it wasn't exactly at the school...


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