107: You're free

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April 17th - Prompt: Free


Edmund laughed as he ran down the corridor, Peter following with a "I can't believe you just did that," Kind of smirk.

He was running towards his room, panting slightly after running all the way from the kitchens, which is where he had decided to dump a load of flour into Peter's hair only a few minutes before.

He reached the door, and quickly ran inside, closing it and leaning against it to try and keep Peter out, gasping as he tried to catch his breath.

Peter stopped outside the bedroom door, his eyebrow raised, before the key in the lock caught his attention.

Grinning a rather mischievous grin, he turned the key, hearing the click as the door locked. "You really thought you could get away with that eh?" He chuckled. "Perhaps I'll come back and let you out in an hour or so."


"The silent treatment?" Peter murmured, sounding impressed as he laughed. "It won't work, I'm gonna have to take a bath to get all this flour out my hair, I've got to get revenge some way."

Silence followed for a further ten seconds, before: "L - Let me out Pete."

Peter chuckled at Edmunds voice. "Why should I?" He teased, staring at the door, truly enjoying having a joke with his brother.

They'd only recently really fixed their relationship with each other, what with it being only a few days since Beruna had happened, and Peter had never been so glad to have someone back. Edmund was back, the real Edmund, the one that he could do this with, laugh and joke around.

"Just - just unlock the door at least."

Peter frowned a tiny bit at what Edmund had said. "Then you'll be able to get out." He said, shaking his head with a smirk, did Edmund honestly think he was that stupid?

"Peter seriously." Came Edmunds voice, and Peter almost thought he sounded worried. "Please, un - unlock the door."

Peter was standing there frowning to himself when Edmund pounded twice on the door. "Peter!" He choked. "Un - Unlock it!"

Peter quickly did as he'd said, yanking the door open, his eyes wide as he did.

He stared at Edmund, who appeared to be trembling, his eyes wide and glassy, and he looked completely traumatised.

"Ed what?" Peter murmured.

Edmund stood there for a moment, seeming to calm down a little, before he sunk to the floor, pulling his knees up to his chest and hugging them close to him.

Peter knelt in front of him, absolutely terrified at the way he was acting. "Ed?" He all but whispered. "What's wrong?"

Edmund was quiet for a while, before swallowing hard. "I - I don't know." He choked. "But - But when you locked that door, all I could think about was - was the door locking in - in the cell-" He shuddered almost without realising it, and sighed. "I'm sorry, I know you were only trying to have a laugh."

Peter looked heartbroken, moving over and pulling him close. "Don't be sorry." He sighed. "It's not your fault. But listen when I say it's over Ed, you're free, I promise."

Edmund swallowed hard. "I know I am, I don't know what happened." He  whispered. "I - I just-" But he trailed off, shaking his head a little.

"There's going to be a lot of things that don't make sense Ed." Peter told him gently. "Sometimes the road to recovery can be weird. Besides, what you went through was no small thing, anything that reminds you of it even in the smallest way could effect you."

Edmund buried his face against Peter's neck. "I don't want it to effect me." He murmured.

"I know." Peter sighed sadly. "But it won't last forever, you'll get over it eventually, I know you will."

"How do you know?" Edmund choked.

"Because you're strong Ed." Peter said with a small smile. "And you're surrounded by family and friends who are gonna see you through this, and I'll be by your side 24/7 if you need me to be."

Edmund smiled weakly at this. "Thank you." He whispered.

Peter smiled too. "You're welcome." He breathed.

"Although do me a favour." Edmund added.

"What?" Peter asked, frowning a little.

"Wash the flour out your hair." Edmund teased. "You're getting it all over me."

Peter couldn't help but laugh. "Good." He joked. "You deserve it."


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