156: It's up to you

241 13 2

June 5th - Prompt: Past and Present


"There's no point in just sitting there thinking about it."

Edmund glanced up, smiling weakly at his older sister, who was stood in the doorway. "It's hard not to." He whispered.

Susan stood there for another moment or two before walking over and sitting beside him. "I know what you went through was awful." She murmured. "But it's all in the past, you need to at least try to start letting it go."

Edmund bit his lip. "Peter told me I need to forgive myself." He sighed. "But - But I can't, not after what I did to you guys."

Susan sighed sadly, placing a hand on Edmunds shoulder. "You need to concentrate on the present Ed, on now." She told him. "What you did is over, its done, and now you need to look forward, not backwards. I understand you might not be able to forgive yourself right now, as much as I'd want you to, but perhaps you can work towards it."

Edmund shrugged. "Perhaps." He muttered, but he didnt sound as though he agreed much.

Susan stared at him, before sighing again. "That's all I can really do to help okay." She told him. "It's up to you really from now on, the more you think about it, the worse it'll become."

"The nightmares happen regardless of whether I've been thinking about it." Edmund grumbled.

Susan bit her lip. "I know, I hear you sometimes." She admitted. "But Peter's with you, he knows what he's doing."

Edmund smiled weakly. "He can be such an idiot sometimes though." He breathed. "Staying up hours after I've fallen asleep just to keep an eye on me."

Susan chuckled gently. "That's Peter." She breathed.

There was silence for a while before she took a deep breath. "Although, there may be one other thing I can do to make you feel better." She said slowly.

Edmund raised an eyebrow at her. "What?" He asked.

Susan smiled. "I made chocolate cake." She told him.

Edmund smirked. "That, sounds amazing."


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