124: You'll get through this

255 13 3

May 4th - The time of our lives


"You okay?"

Peter glanced up, smiling a little when he spotted Edmund. "Yeah." He breathed.

Edmund sat at the table beside him, deciding he could talk about Narnia seeming as the dinner hall was almost empty. "I know you're not." He said gently. "You've been staring into space for the last half an hour."

"You've been watching me?" Peter said, his eyebrow raised.

Edmund raised an eyebrow back. "Not the point." He said, before sighing. "You can talk to me you know."

Peter was silent for a very long time, before he sighed and pushed away his half eaten food. "It's just, we had the time of our lives in Narnia," He murmured. "The time we spent there meant everything to me, I loved being there, and now the fact that I can never go back, it's just hard to wrap my head around."

Edmund nodded slowly. "That's understandable." He breathed. "Trust me, I'm not looking forward to being in Narnia without you."

Peter gave him a questioning look at this.

"Well I mean, we've always been together." Edmund said with an awkward shrug. "It's gonna be weird when you're not there, when Susan's not there too."

Peter nodded a little. "You'll be fine though." He breathed.

"Will you be?" Edmund asked.

Peter smiled weakly. "I'll be happy for you of course." He breathed. "But perhaps I'll wish I was there too."

"Of course you will." Edmund told him gently. "And that's only normal, don't worry about it yeah?"

Peter nodded a little. "Yeah okay." He breathed.

Edmund placed a hand on his brother's shoulder. "You'll get through this." He reassured him. "You're you, of course you will."

Peter chuckled weakly. "Thank you." He breathed.

Edmund smiled. "Don't worry about it." He said gently. "Now come on, let's go to the library and relax a bit."

Peter took a deep breath. "Sounds good."


A year as a Narnian || 365 Narnia one shots (Part one)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora