166: Talk to him

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June 15th - Prompt: This is me trying


"I'm worried about Peter."

Susan frowned a little as she dabbed a wet, cold cloth against Edmund's forehead "Why?" She asked, keeping her voice quiet because she knew Edmund had a headache.

"He's doing a lot at the moment." Edmund sighed. "Between all the work He's doing this week and worrying about me, it's stressing him out."

Susan bit her lip. "I've noticed he's looking rather tired." She agreed, nodding slowly. "You want me to talk to him?"

"Please." Edmund replied with a nod. "Maybe he'll listen to you."

Susan smiled. "You good here for a moment?" She asked.

Edmund nodded. "Course." He breathed, already reaching for his book. "I can read for while."

"Alright." Susan murmured. "I won't be long."

She went off looking for Peter, and found him after ten minutes, sat on a bench in the gardens clearly taking five minutes to enjoy the sun.

"You okay?"

Peter looked beside him when Susan sat down, smiling a little. "Yeah." He breathed. "You?"

Susan nodded. "Yeah." She breathed. 

"How's Ed?"

Susan sighed. "He's doing better." She told him. "He wanted me to talk to you."

Peter frowned. "About?" He murmured, sounding confused. 

Susan took a deep breath. "He thinks you're stressing yourself out." She admitted. "Between working and looking after him, you're not getting a lot of sleep." 

Peter bit his lip. "I'm fine." He told her. 

"Really?" Susan asked softly, "Because you are looking really tired."

Peter shrugged.  "I'm tired." He admitted. "But hey, I'm trying. This is work I have to get done, and Edmund needs looking after, and I want to do that, I don't care if I'm tired." 

Susan sighed sadly. "Just try not to push yourself too hard." She told him. "I don't want you making yourself ill." 

Peter nodded. "This is me trying." He said. "Not, trying to make myself ill, there's a difference." 

Susan smirked a little. "You wanna go up with Ed for a bit?" She asked after a moment. "He could do with you for company." 

Peter nodded. "Yeah sure." He breathed, standing. 

"There's a slice of cake on his bedside table too." Susan told him. "Try and get him to eat it for me?" 

Peter frowned a little, not looking happy that Edmund wasn't eating. "I will." He muttered. "Don't worry."


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