47: He can't be

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February 16th - Prompt: Lost and found


"Sir... It's been three months."

Peter swallowed hard, shaking his head. "Don't say it." He whispered.

Orious sighed. "Your majesty seriously." He said gently. "We've searched everywhere."

"We can't of done." Peter all but spat, not looking up at the centaur.

Orious hesitated. "You have got to stop lying to yourself." He said sadly. "Why don't you just admit it?"

Peter took a deep, shaky breath, one tear rolling slowly down his cheek. "He can't be." He choked. "We - We haven't even found a body."

"There are many explanations for that." Orious told him. "And you know it."

Peter ran a hand through his hair, shaking his head as more tears fell from his eyes. "Three months." He whispered. "We've searched everywhere."

Orious nodded, but stayed silent.

"I promised myself I'd find him." Peter choked out, trembling. "I promised!"

Again, silence.

Peter slowly shook his head, his tears falling to the floor. "Say it." He choked, those two words causing him so much pain to say.

Orious hesitated just slightly, before sighing. "King Edmund is dead, your majesty." He murmered.

And that was when Peter completely broke down.

There had been doubts for at least two weeks now, after three months of the young King being missing, but Peter had refused to stop looking, and refused to believe what everyone else did until he found a body.

But now, now there was hardly any denying it. Edmund had been gone for three months, they had looked everywhere they could think of, as far as the edges of Calormen, but nothing.

Edmund was presumed dead, and Peter believed it.

"I will go and find your sisters." Orious breathed, knowing Peter wanted to be alone, before slowly leaving the room.

Peter just sat there and sobbed, his face buried in his hands as his shoulders shook.

His chest hurt so bad, his eyes were red and sore, but he didn't care, all he cared about was the fact that his little brother had just been announced dead, and he couldn't do anything.

And before he'd even known what he'd done, Peter let out a heart wrenching scream that could be heard throughout the whole castle.


It had been two weeks, two weeks since Peter had finally admitted the truth, but he was doing no better.

He hardly left his room anymore, hardly ate, hardly slept, and Susan and Lucy were worried he was making himself ill.

They tried to help him, despite their own pain, but he refused to see anyone most of the time; some times he would let his sisters in and they would curl up on his bed together, but that only happened once every few days, and other than that, Peter preferred to be alone.

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