178: You were never alone

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June 27th - Prompt: Never once


"I just guess-" Edmund paused. "I guess I just felt so alone."

Lucy stared up at him, before grabbing his hand. "You were never alone Ed." She told him. "Never once."

Edmund nodded slowly. "Yeah." He murmured. "I see that now, I know it's my fault I felt alone, you all were there but I just pushed you away."

"That wasn't entirely your fault." Lucy told him sadly.

Edmund shrugged. "Mostly." He said, before taking a deep breath. "Sorry, I'm ruining the fun."

Lucy chuckled a little at him, "Don't worry about it." She breathed, glancing down at the chessboard. "I wouldn't exactly call this fun..."

Edmund raised an eyebrow at Lucy's teasing smirk. "This is fun." He defended.

"For you maybe." Lucy said. "But it's pretty boring for me."

"Well how rude." Edmund grumbled playfully, crossing his arms and glaring at his sister.

Lucy giggled. "Let's go down the beach." She suggested.

Edmund smiled gently. "Alright." He murmured. "I suppose that could be fun."

Lucy shook her head slowly. "You need to get out more." She teased, standing from her seat and pulling Edmund towards the door.

"I do go out ya know." Edmund told her, following behind.

Lucy didn't look overly convinced. "Yeah, okay." She muttered sarcastically.

"You're starting to sound like Susan." Edmund pointed out.

"No I'm not."

"Are too."

"Am not." Lucy said quickly. "How mean of you to say that."

Edmund smirked. "I'm gonna tell Susan you said that." He said.

"And if you do that I'll get you wet." Lucy replied, glancing out the window at the sea.

Edmund snorted. "If anyone's getting wet, it's you." He told her.

Lucy stared up at him, and after seeing the playful glint in his eyes and the sudden smirk on his face, her eyes went wide... and she ran.


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