144: He won't give up on her

250 13 5

May 24th - Prompt: She's gone


"She's really gone..."

Peter took a deep, shaky breath. "She can't of just forgotten." He whispered. "She can't."

Lucy stared at him, before looking up when Edmund walked into the room. "She's gone by the way." He told them. "Off to that party."

Edmund and Susan's relationship hadn't exactly been the best over the last few weeks, and with Susan finally telling them she thought Narnia was just a game, had made it even worse.

"You know what time she'll be back?" Lucy asked quietly.

Edmund snorted. "Not till late." He muttered, flopping down on the sofa and running a hand through his hair.

"Surely she hears herself?" Peter muttered after a while. "Surely she can't believe that Narnia was just a game we played as kids?"

"I think it's quite clear what she thinks." Edmund snapped. "She only screamed it at me."

Peter sighed sadly, knowing Edmund was baring the brunt of Susan's new behaviour, seeming as he was the one trying to help the most... Because he knew what it was to abandon Narnia, to be deemed a traitor for his whole life because of what he did, and in a way it was similar to what Susan was doing, and Edmund didn't want that for her, not at all.

"You think we can help her remember again?" Lucy choked, tears in her eyes. "Like, convince her it was real."

Peter slowly shook his head. "I hate to say it, but I don't think She's going back on this one." He all but whispered, staring at the floor and nowhere else.

"I'm with Peter." Edmund breathed. "We can try our hardest, talk about Narnia around her whenever we get the chance, but I doubt it will change anything."

Lucy took a deep breath. "We can't give up." She said firmly. "Not on Susan."

"Face it Lu." Edmund said, standing. "She's gone."

And with that he left the room, heading up the stairs.

"He won't give up on her." Peter said quietly.

Lucy turned to her oldest brother, nodding slowly. "I hope he won't." She mumbled.

Peter shook his head. "Ed wouldn't give up on any of us, trust me." He said. "He's just had a hard day, what with Susan coming out with that and all but screaming in his face about it, he just needs time to clear his head."

Lucy nodded. "I understand." She sighed.

"In the mean time," Peter said, straightening and taking a deep breath. "I promised Mum I'd start making dinner before she got back, you wanna help?"

Lucy managed a small smirk. "I'll come and make sure you don't burn down the kitchen." She said.

"Hey, I can cook." Peter shot back, a playfully offended look on his face.

"Oh yeah, it's baking you can't do." Lucy remembered, nodding slowly as the two headed into the kitchen.

"Well, it's a good job we aren't having cake for tea then." Peter teased.

Lucy chuckled. "You reckon Edmund wants to help?" She asked slowly after a moment.

Peter hesitated. "Leave him be for a while yeah?" He told her gently. "He'll come down when he's ready, and if he doesn't I'll go talk to him."

Lucy nodded. "Okay." She breathed, before taking Peter's hand. "We'll all get through this." She told him, voice firm.

Peter smiled softly, tears in his blue eyes. "I know we will."


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