102: You should be proud

325 17 11

April 12th - Prompt: Safe and sound


Peter had always wanted to be a doctor, from a very young age it had appealed to him, the idea of helping other people and saving lives.

He'd spend hours at a time in the school library, flicking through books about the human body, about what to do in certain medical emergencies, books about how to become a doctor and what he'd need to do.

It all seemed like a lot of work, but he had his mind set on it, and had done done for ages.

When the war started though he sort of concentrated more on looking after his family and less on studying, but he never, ever let go of his dream.

Even after spending fifteen years in Narnia, he came back and still wanted to be a doctor.

Even after another week, he still hadn't given up on his dream, and in all honesty he didn't think he ever would.


One evening his was sat in his room, flicking through a book, but he wasn't concentrating much.

That week had been rather stressful, as he was waiting to find out whether he'd been excepted into Cambridge University. His Mum kept saying he'd easily get in, but he had doubts, of course he did, but he was also trying to stay positive.

He really, really wanted to get in, to go study to become a doctor, as even after all these years that was still what he wanted to be.

He had just turned the page when suddenly the air raid siren blared.

His heart skipped a beat as he dropped his book, night raids were rare at this point of the war, as the blitz was over and had been for some time, but obviously bombings still happened, especially in London, and it would appear this one would happen at night.

He leapt from his bed and dashed out the room, seeing Susan run from her own.

He pounded on the bathroom door, where he knew Edmund was. "Ed come on!" He shouted.

"I'm coming!" Came Edmunds panicked voice, before the door unlocked and was opened.

Peter grabbed his brother's hand and the three ran down the stairs, where Lucy and their Mum came hurrying out the living room, already making for the door.

Peter stood by the open front door, making sure his Mum and Lucy got out first, then went Susan, and then lastly Edmund.

Peter followed quickly behind Edmund, slamming the door behind him as he did.

They were probably about half way down the garden when Edmund tripped, sending him flying forward as he landed on his stomach, hitting his chin on the ground hard.

Neither Susan or Lucy, or their Mum noticed this, and as they hurried to the bomb shelter, Peter knelt by his brother, terrified at the nearby sound of planes and bombs dropping.

"Come on." Peter choked, noting the blood dripping from Edmunds chin, but he had no choice but to ignore it... for now.

He quickly pulled Edmund to his feet, where Edmund stumbled a little before getting his balance.

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