145: Happy Birthday

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May 25th - Prompt: Wonderland


"Happy Birthday Lu."

Lucy beamed at her oldest brother, hugging him tightly as she giggled. "Thanks."

Peter smiled down at his now seven year old sister, and laughed at the pure happiness in her eyes. "You want your present?" He asked.

Lucy nodded. "Yesss." She said excitedly.

Peter grinned as he grabbed the present he'd gotten her, handing it over and praying she liked it.

Lucy ripped open the packaging as soon as she had it in her hands, and was left staring down at a copy of Alice' adventures in Wonderland.

"I thought you could give it a go." Peter told her. "It sounded like a good book, for you anyway."

Lucy was beaming. "It's so pretty!" She exclaimed, staring down at the illustrations on the front cover.

"You definitely haven't read it?" Peter checked. "Susan said you hadn't but-"

"No I haven't read it." Lucy replied. "It looks interesting though... Will you read it with me?"

Peter chuckled. "Course." He replied softly. "But we should probably head downstairs right now, I'm sure you have more presents to open than just mine."

Lucy nodded, gripping her book tight to her chest. "Thank you Peter." She said quietly and gently, a small, sweet smile on her face.

Peter smiled back as they headed down the stairs, nodding a little. "You're welcome."


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