105: The middle children

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April 15th - Prompt: Middle


Susan and Edmund.

The two middle children.

You know how it is with middle children, they argue a lot, but get on with each other a lot. They always clash, but actually share quiet a lot of personality traits. They're each others worst enemies but each others best friends, and this was the same with Susan and Edmund.

They argued all. The. Time, much to Peter and Lucy's annoyance. They could argue about the smallest thing, and that argument could go on for hours at a time. But they also got along so well, they'd team up for certain things, help each other make difficult decisions, they did a lot of things together actually.

Their personalities were so similar but so different at the same time. They both loved doing the same things, reading being one of their shared hobbies, either could spend hours just flicking through books.
But they were different too, Edmund was quieter, more withdrawn than Susan who, whilst still surely an introvert, was more open and talkative than her younger brother.

They both looked the same as well. They both had dark hair, pale skin, freckles, but there were differences even in their similarities. Edmund's hair was darker than Susan's and he had way more freckles, his skin was also paler, though not by much. The only big difference in their appearance really was their eyes, Susan had blue while Edmund had brown.

They were each others worst enemies, and were more often than non caught glaring at each other across the dinner table, or avoiding each other all together, but they were also each others best friends. They had inside jokes, they spent a lot of time with each other, they had fun together, and whilst their friendship was usually overlooked, it was very much there.

Susan and Edmund were the middle children, they were best friends, and also worst enemies, but they wouldn't have it any other way.


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