188: I needed to find Aslan

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July 7th - Prompt: In your world I have another name


"In your world, I have another name..."

Peter glanced up from where he'd been staring at the ground. "Huh?" He asked.

Edmund stopped walking and stared at the church they'd been currently passing. "Can I ask you something?" He asked quietly.

Peter stopped beside him and nodded a little. "Course." He murmured.

"Aslan is in this world yeah?" Edmund murmured.

Peter nodded slowly, trying to keep the knowing, almost excited look from his eyes.

"Is Aslan Jesus?" Edmund breathed.

Peter smiled and chuckled gently. "Took you long enough." He teased lightly.

Edmund stared at him before smiling a little. "I've wondered for a while." He said slowly. "I just wasn't sure."

Peter placed a hand on his shoulder. "I knew you'd figure it out, you're not smart for nothing." He told him.

Edmund glared playfully at him. "How long did it take you to figure it out?" He asked.

Peter was silent for a while, before shrugging. "When I first told you to not give up." He said softly. "Which I'm glad you didn't."

"I wouldn't of given up." Edmund told him. "I needed to find Aslan."

Peter stared at him for ages before nodding. "I know." He murmured.

"Now come on, we need to be home for dinner." Peter said gently. "We can have a long talk about it tonight, and tomorrow I reckon church might be a good idea."

Edmund smiled a little. "I'm guessing you've lied to me every Sunday morning since you figured it out?" He said.

Peter chuckled. "You really thought I was just going for a walk." He teased.

Edmund shoved his shoulder playfully. "You like being outdoors." He defended. "It was a very convincing lie."

Peter laughed softly. "I am sorry for lying." He said slowly. "But you needed to figure it out yourself."

"Yeah, yeah I know." Edmund said quickly. "I don't mind, honest. I wanted to figure it out myself anyway."

Peter nodded. "Good." He breathed. "Now come on, I'm hungry."

Edmund grinned. "I am too."


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