57: I've got you

441 18 4

February 26th - Prompt: Sacrifice


"You idiot, you idiot, you idiot." Peter choked under his breath as he fell to his knees beside his brother, tears already gathering in his eyes, just waiting to fall.

He sat there for a second, before swallowing hard and pressing his hands to the wound in his brothers chest, wincing at the blood that instantly coated his palms.

"Ed?" He all but whispered. "Ed can you hear me? If you can please let me know."

Edmund groaned a little, but that was enough for Peter, his brother was still alive and was awake enough to understand and hear him. "Listen okay?" He breathed. "You're gonna be okay, Lucy should be here any minute, I've sent a bird back with a message, Cair's not too far away."

He sat there, wanting to do nothing more than scream at his brother, why would he do such a stupid thing? Why would he do that for Peter?

Peter sighed as he sat against the nearest tree, letting out a sigh of relief at the rest.

Him and his brother had been on the move for days, wanting to get home as soon as they possibly could, but he must admit, taking an hours break really was great.

"We should reach Cair in the next half an hour." Edmund told him. "I dunno why you wanted to stop this close to home."

"My feet hurt." Peter grumbled, closing his eyes as Edmund laughed and turned to grab something from his bag.

Peter sat there, enjoying the peace and quiet before Edmund screamed his name.

His eyes snapped open, but he wished he'd just kept them closed.

Edmund was stood in front of him, back to him. Someone was stood in front of him, and from what Peter could see, they'd shoved a knife straight through his chest.

Peter screamed his brother's name as the knife was drawn back and Edmund collapsed, and he didn't even think when he grabbed his sword and used it on the man who'd hurt his brother.

And the second he was dead, he ran to Edmund.

"Ed you have to hold on." Peter all but whispered, pressing down harder to try and stop the blood flow. "I promise it won't be for much longer, just take steady, deep breaths okay? Stay with me."

Edmund only responded with a painful gasp, his eyes squeezing shut as his hand made its way up to his chest, where he grabbed Peter's hand with as much strength as he could manage.

"I've got you." Peter murmured. "I promise you're okay."

Luckily, Edmund managed to hang on until Lucy showed up with her cordial, and Peter made it a point to let across how mad he was that Edmund had nearly sacrificed his life for him.

"Why?!" He choked after pulling back from a hug, tears streaming down his cheeks.

Edmund swallowed hard before sighing. "You know why Peter." He whispered, sounding rather weak. "You know."

Peter stared at him, unable to stay angry before he pulled him back in for another hug. "You're such an idiot." He choked out, voice shaking.

Edmund hugged him back and sighed, a warm, weak smile appearing on his face. "I know." He whispered, before relaxing into his brother's embrace, so happy that he was able to do so.


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