3: Out the window

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Jan 3rd - Prompt: Window


Lucy smiled as she stared out the windows of Cair Paravel, wandering down the corridor as she did.

They'd only recently moved into the castle, and hadn't even been crowned yet, so this was all knew to Lucy, and she loved it.

She stared out at the ocean, amazed at the way it glittered in the sunlight.

She'd only ever been to the seaside once, and she'd been around 5 years old so she didn't remember it much, so learning that she was going to actually live by the sea was amazing to her.

She stopped to sit down on one of the window seats, spotting Peter strolling along the beach by himself, and frowned a little.

She stared through the window at her oldest brother for a while, before hurrying off down the corridor and outside.

She eventually managed to find her way down to the beach, and ran over to Peter, making him jump a little.

"You scared me Lu." Peter laughed.

Lucy smiled. "Sorry." She said, panting after running so far. "I just saw you walking and wondered what you were up to. I thought you'd be with Ed."

Peter smiled sadly. "He told me he wanted some time alone." He breathed sitting down in the sand and pulling Lucy to sit beside him.

"That's understandable." Lucy said with a shrug.

Peter nodded a little, before taking a deep breath. "What were you up to, just wandering around?" He murmeded, wrapping an arm around Lucy's shoulders.

Lucy smiled. "I was exploring." She said happily. "This place is huge! And has so many windows."

Peter chuckled gently. "It does doesn't it." He murmered. "You gotten lost yet?"

Lucy frowned a little. "I couldn't find my way down to breakfast this morning, Tumnus had to help me." She said with a laugh. "But other than that I've been okay, it took a moment for me to find my way down here, but I wouldn't say I got lost."

"You're doing better than me then." Peter said. "I've gotten lost more times than I can count."

"And tried to deny you were lost?" Lucy gave him a knowing smirk.

"Oh be quiet." Peter grumbled, smirking back at her.

"You always deny you're lost though." Lucy teased.

Peter shook his head. "I said be quiet." He snapped playfully.

Lucy laughed, before staring out across the sea. "I can't believe we're actually by the sea." She breathed. "I love it."

"Do you remember the last time we went oh Holiday to the beach?" Peter asked.

"I remember a little of it." Lucy told him. "But I was only five, so I don't remember much."

"I remember a lot." Peter said slowly. "I remember you running into the sea and being shocked at how cold it was."

Lucy raised an eyebrow at him. "How shocked?" She asked.

Peter smirked. "You screamed." He laughed.

Lucy rolled her eyes, before frowning. "You reckon the sea in Narnia is cold?" She asked.

Peter bit his lip, thinking for a while before grinning. "Wanna find out?" He asked, glancing at her.

Lucy beamed. "Definitely!"


Edmund couldn't help but laugh as he glanced through the window, watching as Peter chased his little sister into the sea.

He chuckled to himself, eyes slightly wide when Peter grabbed Lucy and playfully threw her into the water.

He hurried off down the corridor towards the beach, intending on making Peter pay for that, and when he full on jumped on his brother's back, making Peter shout in fright, they both fell into the water, emerging just as wet as each other... and Lucy.

Hope this publishes properly, I'm using data cause I'm on the train 😂

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