125: Go find her

248 14 3

May 5th - Prompt: Gentle



Susan sighed a little, slowly turning at her brother's voice. "Yeah?" She asked quietly.

Peter frowned a little. "I just saw Lucy," He told her. "She looked a little upset, you know why?"

Susan bit her lip. "I snapped at her." She sighed eventually. "I didn't mean to, I've just got a lot of my plate at the moment and she just kept asking me stuff."

Peter stared at Susan, surprised at what she'd just told him seeming as she was usually rather good at staying calm.

"It certainly wasn't very gentle of me." Susan finished with a sigh, leaving the desk and walking over to sit on the sofa by the fire.

"Don't worry about it Su." Peter told her, walking over to sit beside her. "I know you didn't mean to do it."

"Lucy doesn't though." Susan murmured.

"Go find her and tell her then." Peter told her with a small smile. "She's in the gardens."

Susan frowned. "It's rather cold." She said slowly. "What's she doing outside?"

Peter smirked a little. "And your motherly instincts return." He teased.

Susan rolled her eyes. "Oh shut up." She grumbled.

Peter chuckled gently, before growing a little more serious. "Go on, go find her, she'll understand." He said. "And if it makes you feel better, there's been plenty of times me and Ed have snapped at people when we've got a lot on our plate."

Susan managed a small smile. "Thanks." She breathed, standing. "I'll see you at dinner?"

Peter nodded. "See you at dinner." He agreed, watching her as she left and smiling in amusement, after all, he certainly hadn't expected this to be the reason Lucy was upset.

But he understood it, he'd done it before, and it certainly didn't make Susan any less gentle.


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