172: Left behind

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June 21st - Prompt: Long lost child


A long lost child left behind...

Susan didn't know what to do, the house felt so... empty.

Of course she didn't spend much time there, she had moved out at least a year ago anyway, but her siblings had stilled lived there, and whenever she would visit the house would be filled with talking and laughter and usually the smell of something delicious cooking for lunch.

But now it was silent, eerily silent as she walked slowly into the living room, eyeing the photo frames inside, tears filling her eyes at the pictures of her family.

Her family... who she'd never see again.

Because they were gone. Taken from her. Killed in the most brutal way possible.

A train crash, which they probably saw coming, they probably knew they were about to die, whether they were on the train or off it they would've seen it coming, would've known that that was the end, and just that very thought made her heart shatter into a million pieces.

Peter was Dead.

Edmund was Dead.

Lucy was Dead.

And Susan...?

Left behind, a lost girl who didn't have a clue what to do without her family.

She regretted everything from the past year...

She regretted the parties she went to when she could've stayed and spent time with her siblings.

She regretted not having fun with Lucy when she all but begged her older sister to.

She regretted not reading with Edmund well into the night like they always used to.

She regretted ignoring Peter for the most part, their relationship had been strained recently, and she hated it, although at the time she probably never gave it a second thought.

She regretted having that huge fight with Edmund the day before they all left, if she had known he was going to die before she saw him again, she would've fixed it...

But Edmund died, and his last moment with his older sister had been whilst she was shouting at him... and Susan didn't think she could ever forgive herself for that.

She would live with the guilt, live with the pain, live with the loneliness, live with the burden...

Because she had been left behind, but sometimes, she just wished she'd died with them...


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