141: Never change

223 16 4

May 21st - Prompt: Daylight


Edmund froze, his eyes going slightly wide as fear consumed him.

The door was wide open, and stood in the doorway was the one person he definitely did not want to be stood there.

"What are you doing?"

Edmund swallowed hard, slowly glancing up and attempting a smile. "Nothing." He said slowly.

Susan raised an eyebrow at him. "Why are you holding a knife?"

Edmund glanced down at the knife in his hand, trying to think up of some excuse, but for a change he had nothing. "I was just, um-"

"You were just?" Susan smirked. "Come on Ed, I'm sure you can do better than that."

Edmund glared at her, before sighing. "I was hungry!" He tried.

Susan shook her head slowly. "So you thought, eating the cake I specially told you is for tomorrow, in broad daylight where you could so easily be found, was a good idea?" She said.

Edmund shrugged. "Apparently its not." He muttered.

"No, you're right." Susan replied. "Now go, out the kitchen. You can have the cake tomorrow, and not a moment sooner."

Edmund rolled his eyes. "Take it as a compliment." He said with a shrug as he walked passed her. "If I want it now it means it looks good."

Susan bit back a laugh until he had gone, before shaking her head and chuckling to herself. "Oh Ed." She breathed. "Never change."


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