95: Now more than ever

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April 5th - Prompt: Train crash


"The train's late." Edmund pointed out with a sigh.

Peter smirked a little. "I'm sure it'll be here any minute." He said.

"It better be." Edmund breathed. "We've got things to do."

Peter smiled a little, but he glanced up when an odd sound reached his ears, and it would seem Edmund had heard it too, for he frowned. "What's that?" Peter murmured.

Edmund shrugged. "Beats me." He mumbled.

The two listened, and after a few seconds they saw the train, but to Peter's utter horror, it was coming round the bend at full speed, and it wasn't going to slow down anytime soon.

Knowing there was no way of avoiding, or perhaps even surviving this, Peter grabbed Edmund and held him close, hearing him choke slightly as he buried his face against his chest.

He just had time to whisper a quick "I love you." Before everything went black.


He'd never been in so much pain when he woke up, and somehow he knew, he just knew that he was only minutes away from death.

He felt someone clinging to him, and looking down saw it was Edmund, but from one glance he knew he hadn't made it.

Edmund looked so peacful laying across Peter's chest. His face was white as snow, scratches and bruises covering his cheeks. Peter couldn't see the rest of his body, and if he was honest, he didn't want to, because the fact that he could feel blood, made him sick anyway.

Two tears slipped down Peter's cheeks as he held Edmund close and placed a weak kiss to the top of his head, his eyes slipping shut.

"Oh Aslan." He thought. "Look after Su, she's gonna need you now more than ever."

And only ten seconds after this, he took his last breath.

... And very soon woke up somewhere extremely different.


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