140: High King

236 15 2

May 20th - Prompt: Can't take it in


It was hard to take in really, hard to wrap his head around, as he sat behind the wall at school, legs drawn up to his chest and chin rested on his knees as he stared at the wall opposite.

His eyes filled with tears at the very thought of Narnia, and the fact that he could never go back.

He'd never do any of it ever again, he'd never be High King Peter again... not really, not properly.

Two tears rolled down his cheeks, and before he knew it he'd buried his face in his arms and started sobbing.

He cried for at least five minutes, before he felt someone sit down beside him and wrap their arms around his shoulders.

He didn't even need to look up to know who it was, and sunk into his younger brothers arms.

Usually he was strong in front of his siblings, especially Edmund and Lucy, but now he just simply didnt have the strength, and just cried, shaking and leaning heavily against Edmund, his heart aching.

Edmund didn't say anything, but just held him, for which Peter was grateful... he wasn't up for talking right now and Edmund knew that.

They sat like that for goodness knows how long, before Peter had cried himself out and had no more tears left.

But Edmund still didn't let go, he knew Peter needed comfort right now, after all there was probably a lot going through his head, and he probably couldn't take it all in or make sense of it, so he was more than willing to comfort him... and that's exactly what he did.


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