165: She's there

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June 14th - Prompt: Haunted


"I can't do it anymore, it's like I'm Haunted by her and I hate it!"

Peter sighed, pulling Edmund close and placing a kiss to the top of his head. "It's okay Ed." He murmured. "The dreams will fade eventually."

"When?!" Edmund choked, tears dripping from his eyes.

Peter blinked back his own tears, trying to stay strong for his brother. "Soon." He whispered. "But until then me, Susan and Lucy are gonna be right here okay?"

"Promise?" Edmund all but whimpered

Peter nodded. "Course." He replied.

Edmund sighed. "It is like she's haunting me though." He mumbled. "Everytime I fall asleep she's there."

"It's not real Eddy." Peter reassured him. "It's not real."

"Sometimes it feels real." Edmund told him.

"I know." Peter sighed. "But you'll be just fine, I mean it."

Edmund managed a tiny smile, nodding slowly. "Okay."

Just a real quick one today as I've just written it and am busy today and don't have time to write a longer one 😂

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