135: Grasshopper

210 15 5

May 15th - Prompt: What I miss most


Edmund sighed slightly as he woke, groaning at how stiff he felt after yet another night on that stupid camp bed.

He hoped beyond hope that they'd get a letter from his parents soon saying that they were all going home, because he didn't think he could last much longer in this house, not with Eustace annoying him hourly.

Sighing a little, he decided he better get out of bed, but once he was awake enough, he froze.

Why did it feel like there was something on his face... and that that something was moving...

Hesitantly, Edmund opened his eyes, and to his horror, there was what looked like a grasshopper, just sat there on his face.

Letting out a loud cry, Edmund leapt from the bed, making sure to shake the insect off. He wiped madly at his face for a few seconds, before turning to the door.

"EUSTACE!" He growled.

It wasn't so much that he was scared of bugs and stuff, but waking up to one on his face surely gave him quite a shock.

Having to sleep in Eustaces room was definitely one of the worst things he'd ever had to do. What with all the insects, all the stupid certificates for equally stupid things, and not to mention Eustace himself with his nightly, loud, pig-like snoring.

The door burst open a few seconds later and Lucy ran in, looking shocked and worried. "What is it?" She asked quickly.

"Where is he?!" Edmund snapped, attempting to leave the room in search of his cousin, but Lucy stopped him.

"He ran off the second he heard you scream like that." Lucy told him.

Edmund snorted. "Of course he did." He muttered. "You know, he acts all tough yet he's absolutely terrified of me."

"What happened?" Lucy repeated.

"Well, our delightful cousin let his stupid, little insects out last night." Edmund said darkly. "And I have just woken up to that grass hopper on my face!"

He pointed at said grass hopper, who was currently hopping towards Edmunds bed again, so he quickly turned it away. "Not a chance." He muttered to it, before turning to Lucy again, who was standing well back from any moving creature, she really didnt like insects. "This is ridiculous!" Edmund exclaimed. "If I have to spend one more night in here I'm either going to end up going mad, or end up killing Eustace in his sleep!"

Lucy bit back a smirk at this.

"You know what I miss most?" Edmund continued. "Sleeping in my own room in my own house, where the person I share said room with is not obsessed with keeping insects in jars!"

Lucy sighed a little, but shook her head. "We should be going home soon." She told him. "Just deal with it until then."

Edmund stared at her. "At least you've got your own room and don't have to share with Eustace and a bunch of insects." He muttered, grabbing his dressing gown and pulling it sharply on.

Lucy sighed. "Come on," She breathed. "Let's get some breakfast, and then we need to go out, I've been told to go grocery shopping."

"You've been told to?" Edmund asked, not sounding happy. "Why can't Aunt Alberta do it?"

"She's going out." Lucy replied.

"Uncle Harold?"

Lucy sighed. "Sat in his usual chair doing absolutely nothing." She replied.

Edmund didn't look happy at all.

"Look, just leave it okay?" Lucy said. "And when we go downstairs, try not to kill Uncle Harold or Eustace."

"For Eustace, I'm not making any promises." Edmund muttered under his breath.

Lucy heard though, and sighed. "Come on." She breathed. "I wanna be back by lunch."

Edmund nodded slowly, following Lucy from the room and secretly plotting how to get revenge on Eustace.


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