173: Never hurt him again

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June 22nd - Prompt: Warrior


You can never hurt me again.

Edmund took a deep breath as he caught sight of the witch, Caspian stood in front of her with his arm outstretched.

A hundred memories flashed before his mind, but he didn't have much time to think about them as he was suddenly faced with a werewolf.

It wasn't hard to kill the creature, after all he'd killed a few before, and at least he didn't get bitten, because that would not of been good.

After killing the animal, he stood up straight and turned back to the ice wall, this time seeing Peter stood in front of the witch, sword up but not doing anything.

"You have got to be joking." He muttered under his breath, heart pounding at the way Jadis was talking to his brother.

He hesitated a little, but then shook his head, Jadis could never hurt him again, and he wasn't about to let her, so with a sigh he ran around behind the block of ice, just after seeing Peter lowering his sword.

"Idiot." He choked, raising his sword and plunging it into the ice. "Stupid, stupid idiot."

He felt a little bad for calling Peter an idiot when he caught sight of the guilt on his face, but at the end of the day he'd nearly brought his worst nightmare back to life because he couldn't accept that Aslan would help.

"I know." He grumbled. "You had it sorted."

Swallowing hard he walked away, steps heavy and slow. He caught Susan in the doorway but ignored her, noticing her glare at Peter before glancing at him, but he quickly left the room before she could say anything to him.

But of course she was gonna come after him, so he hid himself in the nearest room, sitting against the wall and burying his face in his hands.

"Oh Aslan." He whispered. "What's gotten into Peter?"

Peace my child, all will turn out just fine.

Edmund's heart skipped a beat when he heard Aslans voice, and he slowly looked up, but of course he was alone.

Well, not alone, not really.

After ten minutes he sighed and stood, deciding he should probably go find his brother, after all neither of them were gonna get past this if they didnt talk to each other.

So with another reminder that Jadis could never hurt him again, he made his way back to the stone table room, having no doubt that that was where Peter was.


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