8: I wouldn't dream of it

570 24 6

Jan 8th - Prompt: Fear



Edmund glanced up, frowning at Lucy. "Yeah?" He asked, lowering his book.

Lucy sat down beside him on the sofa, looking slightly confused. "In Narnia," She said slowly. "When we were in dark island, the Lord said you shouldn't let it know your worst fears."

Edmund stared at her. "Yeah...?" He asked.

"I mean, I don't wanna stir up any unwanted memories." Lucy said slowly. "But isn't your worse fear... Jadis?"

The look of confusion faded from Edmund's face and he sighed, nodding. "She is." He whispered.

"Then why did you think of a sea serpent?" Lucy asked hesitantly, curious.

Edmund shrugged. "I guess it was just on my mind." He murmered. "I have a fear of them, ever since me and Peter were attacked by one in the Golden Age and I nearly died, and when Drinian brought them up, I just couldn't forget about it."

"So you just thought of it because it had been brought up?" Lucy said.

"I guess." Edmund breathed. "But to be honest, I'd take a sea serpent over the witch any day of the week."

Lucy nodded. "I think I would to." She sighed.

There was silence for a long while before Edmund took a deep breath. "I did see her though." He mumbled.

Lucy blinked. "You did?" She asked, sounding worried.

Edmund bit his lip. "When I shouted, and you asked me if I was okay..." He all but whispered, trailing off at the end of his sentence.

"You were shouting at Jadis?" Lucy guessed.

"Yeah." Edmund breathed in reply. "She was telling me how she'd always be alive in my mind."

Lucys face fell. "Ed," She sighed.

"Lucy no, I know she will be." Edmund cut her off. "There's absolutely no forgetting what she did to me, she will always be alive in my mind."

Lucy didn't know what to say, so only nodded, glancing down at the floor.

Edmund sighed. "I saw her again too, just before I killed the serpent." He mumbled. "She tried - tried tempting me."

Lucys eyes filled with tears. "Oh Ed." She whispered. "Come on, you didn't listen to her."

"I froze Lucy." Edmund choked. "I froze and just stared at her, what - what if I had listened to her?!"

"Ed you know that wouldn't of happened." Lucy said quickly. "You wouldn't do that, because you know what she's like."

Edmund shook his head. "I always have this fear that I'll do it again." He muttered. "And I hate it."

"That fear is normal." Lucy breathed. "But I know that you know deep down you won't ever do it again."

"I know that too, I wouldn't dream of it." Edmund said. "But there will always be that fear."

Lucy rested her head agaisnt Edmunds shoulder. "I'm not great at the whole comforting thing." She said with a small smile. "That's usually Peter's job, but he's not here so you have to do with me."

Edmund chuckled. "I reckon I could live with that." He teased.

"Are you okay though?" Lucy asked, glancing up at him and looking worried.

Edmund glanced down at her and smiled. "I reckon I'll be okay." He answered. "After all I've got you haven't I?"

Lucy giggled. "Always."


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