117: Thankful

244 14 2

April 27th - Prompt: Prayer


"He'll come home..."

Peter swallowed hard, placing the living room they were in, glaring at the fire that burnt in the corner. "He's been gone for two days longer than he said he would be." He snapped.

"No Peter," Susan stepped in. "He said he'd be gone for around a week, if not longer."

Peter sighed. "I just wish I could've gone." He muttered. "If it does turn out to be the witches followers then he shouldn't be out there alone."

"You know you couldn't of gone, you wouldn't of made it out the door without collapsing because of your illness." Susan breathed. "And Edmund knows what he's doing."

"Besides," Lucy stepped in. "All we need to do is keep praying, Aslan will protect him."

Peter stared at her, swallowing hard before nodding. "You're right." He breathed, collapsing to the sofa with a sigh.

Lucy placed a hand on his shoulder, smiling gently. "Everything will be just fine." She said softly. "You'll see."

Another two days passed, and Peter had been on edge ever since that conversation with his sisters, but he had also prayed every single hour, hoping that his brother would come home safe.

He was sat going over some paperwork when Tumnus burst into his room, nodding slowly at Peter's hopeful look.

Peter breathed a quick thank you to Aslan, before hurrying down to meet Edmund, who when he reached him was just swinging down from Philip.

He swayed when he stood though, making Peter hurry forward to grab his shoulders and steady him. "Thank Aslan you're back." He murmured.

Edmund gave him a tired smile. "I said I would come back you know." He said jokingly.

"I know, but after a week I was starting to really worry." Peter sighed.

Edmund shrugged. "We got a bit lost on our way back." He murmured.

"A bit?" Peter asked.

Edmund chuckled a little. "We didn't know where we were going for at least two days." He said, before sighing. "But hey, we're back now."

Peter sighed, forcing back the urge to roll his eyes. "Are you hurt?" He asked.

Edmund thought for a moment. "Just a little bruised." He murmured.

"Show me." Peter said firmly.

Edmund shifted uncomfortable, aware of many eyes on him, so Peter quickly thanked Philip, and Tumnus for coming to get him, and then asked Orious to do something, before leading Edmund inside and up to his room. "Show me." He repeated.

Edmund sighed, but lifted his tunic a little revealing a colourful bruise on his hip bone.

"What happened?" Peter asked, sounding upset.

Edmund shrugged. "I had to dive out the way of a wolf." He muttered. "I landed funny is all."

"So there were Her followers there then?" Peter sighed.

Edmund nodded. "Only a few though." He said, before sighing. "And don't beat yourself up about it, I said I'd go and sort it, and I did."

Peter gave him a weak smile. "I guess." He breathed.

"Although I am sorry for coming home late." Edmund said slowly. "I must've worried you."

Peter snorted. "Only a bit." He murmured. "But - But Aslan kept you safe."

Edmund nodded and smiled. "Course he did." He chuckled quietly. "He always does."

"He answers prayer." Peter murmured, almost like he hadnt heard what Edmund had just said. "And I'm so, so thankful."

Edmund stared at him, nodding slowly, before taking a deep breath. "I dunno about you, but I fancy a proper meal, a hot bath, and a good night's sleep."

Peter smiled. "I'm sure we can arrange that." He breathed. "You do look tired."

"I'm absolutely exhausted." Edmund told him, sitting down on the end of Peter's bed. "And hungry."

"You're always hungry."

Edmund chuckled. "No, this time I'm starving." He said.

Peter nodded a little. "I'm sure we can sort that out." He said. "Come on."

Edmund stood, following Peter from the room with a small smile. "You know," He murmured. "I'm surprised you never came after me."

Peter smirked and punched him playfully on the shoulder. "If I'm honest." He breathed. "So am I."


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