112: Like no one's watching

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April 22nd - Prompt: Long live


The night you danced like you knew our lives would never be the same.

Peter smiled as he watched Edmund twirl his little sister across the dance floor, Lucy giggling uncontrollably and Edmund smiling gently, both clearly having a good time.

Peter liked seeing them both getting along, and watching them act like this with each other meant more to him than they'd probably ever know.

After a while he moved his stare from Edmund and Lucy over to Susan, who was stood to the side watching the dancing. She had a small smile on her face, but Peter also saw that she looked unsure, and it was with a smirk that he figured out why.

Walking over, he stopped in front of his sister and held out his hand. "Come on." He murmured.

Susan stared at him, frowning.

Peter laughed. "Don't look that that." He said. "Let's just go have some fun, pretend no one's watching."

Susan sighed. "But people are watching." She said quietly.

Peter raised an eyebrow at her. "So?" He asked. "Su, you're a Queen now, you can do whatever the heck you want."

Susan couldn't keep back a laugh at this, and shrugged a little. "I guess." She breathed.

"Then come on." Peter chuckled, grabbing her hand and pulling her onto the dance floor.

"You know that neither of us know how to dance right?" Susan muttered.

Peter was silent for a moment. "Just copy Edmund and Lucy." He said with a shrug. "They seem to be having fun."

Susan nodded a little. "Right." She murmured, and to her surprise it actually came quite naturally to her.

Peter though, it did not.

Susan gasped as he stomped on her foot, causing Peter to freeze. "Sorry." He murmured.

Susan couldn't help but laugh at the pure worry on her older brother's face. "You'll get the hang of it." She told him. "Just try not to step on my toes."

"Peter stepped on your toes?"

Peter rolled his eyes at the humorous voice, and turned to find Edmund smirking at him. "I'll stomp on your toes if you dont quit the teasing." He threatened.

Edmund burst out laughing before heading back off to Lucy, shaking his head as he went.

"That cheeky little-"

Susan cut him off with a laugh. "It is funny." She said.

Peter stared at her, but just shrugged. "If you say so." He muttered.

There was a long time of silence between the two, before Susan rested her head on Peter's shoulder. "It's gonna be so different from now on." She breathed. "Life I mean."

Peter nodded a little. "I guess so yeah." He breathed, before taking a deep breath. "But only we can make it a good different."

Susan smiled, nodding. "You wanna get something to eat?" He suggested.

Peter smiled. "You read my mind."


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