29: I know you are

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January 29th - Prompt: Alone


Edmund woke with a start, sitting bolt upright in bed, wondering what an earth had woken him.

He sat there for a moment, letting his eyes adjust to the dark before he was aware of a sharp pain going across his arm, and placing his hand to it felt the wet, sticky feeling of blood.

His head snapped to the side when movement reached his ears, and to his complete shock he spotted Orious, pinning someone to the floor beside his bed, and that someone was struggling.

Edmund sat there for a moment, taking deep breaths as what had just happened hit him.

Someone had tried to kill him, and had very, very nearly succeed.

"Your majesty?"

Edmund glanced up up Tumnus appeared at the other side of his bed, looking slightly concerned.

"Are you hurt?" The faun asked.

Edmund swallowed hard, only managing to nod his head a little, but if he was honest he was kind of oblivious to the pain at that precise moment in time.

"He's in shock." Tumnus said, turning to the two gaurds that had been outside Edmunds room.

Edmund frowned, if the guards had been outside his room, how had the assasin got in?

He glanced around, swallowing hard when he noticed the balcony doors open, blowing the curtains wildly around.

That's how.

"Someone go and find the High King." Orious said firmly. "Now."

And with that, Tumnus was gone.


Peter frowned when there was a loud, frantic knock at the bedroom door, and had to force his eyes open, a yawn escaping him as he lay there.

He wanted to ignore whoever it was, seeming as it was three o'clock in the morning, but when the knocking continued and he heard Tumnus call his name, he rubbed at his eyes and slowly sat up.

He yawned again, sitting there for a moment and groaned when the knocking continued. "I'm coming I'm coming." He grumbled, grabbing his dressing gown and flinging it on, slipping his feet in his slippers before heading to the door.

Opening it his sighed. "What is it Tumnus?" He muttered, still half asleep.

"Your majesty." Tumnus said quickly, bowing his head. "There's been an assassination attempt."

Peter's head shot up, now fully awake. "On Who?" He choked, dreading the answer no matter which siblibg it was.

"Your brother." Tumnus said slowly.

Peter froze for a moment before he dashed back into his room, grabbed his sword and all but barged past Tumnus, heading for Edmunds room as fast as he possibly could.

When he finally got there, it was to see Edmund, sat in his bed and staring at Orious, who had someone pinned to the floor. Two gaurds stood by the door, a faun was hurrying around the room lightly candles so people could see, and the balcony doors were wide open, a chilly wind blowing around the room.

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