59: A start

370 17 4

February 28th - Prompt: Promise to yourself


"Peter, will you please stop following me everywhere I go." Edmund groaned as he stepped out of the bathroom to find Peter sat on the bed, staring at him the second he'd walked out.

Peter hesitated for a moment, before slowly looking away, nodding a little. "Right." He murmured. "Sorry." He sat there for a second, before standing and heading for the door, but at the last second he turned back to his brother. "You wanna come to - to the library or something?" He asked.

Edmund frowned at him. "What?" He muttered.

Peter didn't say anything.

"Why?" Edmund asked, "Peter are you okay?"

Peter swallowed hard, before sighing and going to sit back down on the bed. "I just - don't want to leave you." He murmured.

Edmund stared at him, before slowly going to sit beside him. "Why?" He asked.

"I - I made a promise to myself." Peter said hesitantly.

Edmund frowned. "A promise to yourself?" He questioned, sounding very confused, and perhaps also a little worried.

Peter sighed. "That I'd keep you safe." He murmured. "That I wouldn't let anything happen to you. After Beruna-"

"Peted Beruna was over a week ago." Edmund told him.

"And?!" Peter choked. "You think I can get over it that quickly?"

Edmund sighed. "No, that's not what I meant." He said. "I meant, it's been over a week, you can't follow me around forever."

Peter stared at him, tears in his eyes which he refused to let fall. "I know." He whispered. "I'm just scared, every night I dream about it, every waking second I'm thinking about it, I can't let you out of my sight without panicking, and I hate it."

Edmund hesitated a little before resting his head against Peter's shoulder. "The last few weeks haven't been easy have they." He murmured.

Peter shook his head. "You could say that." He breathed. "And I thought it couldn't get any worse than being sent to the countryside."

Edmund smiled gently, before taking a deep breath. "Right, for the time being, keep your promise to yourself." He said softly. "But try and ease your way out of it, try not to follow me everywhere I go, okay?"

Peter nodded slowly. "Okay." He whispered.

"Nothings going to happen to me Peter." Edmund told him. "And yes, it's taken a lot for even me to see that, but you'll see it too some time. I'm perfectly safe, I promise you."

Peter nodded a little, before taking a deep breath. "I - I'm gonna go find us some hot chocolate." He breathed.

Edmund smiled. "That does sound good." He agreed. "You want a hand?"

Peter swallowed hard. "I can do it myself." He said slowly, standing from the bed.

Edmund smiled at him. "I'll be right here when you get back." He said firmly, nodding a little.

"You better be." Peter murmured, before sighing. "I won't be long."

"I know." Edmund breathed, watching as he left, and sure enough he hurried to get back to him, but at least it was a start.


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