69: I had to save you

425 16 8

March 10th - Prompt: Liar


Peter winced as Edmund was thrown to the floor over the other side of the damp, cold cell, a scream of agony escaping his lips that tore at Peter's heart.

He pulled against the chains binding him, but they did nothing except rip the skin on his wrists apart, but that pain was nothing compared to the pain Edmund was in.

He'd been taken away probably around an hour ago, and ever since that all Peter could hear was the echoing screams. Of course there was a length of time at the beginning where there was no screams, no doubt when Edmund was trying to be brave, but since then they had been almost non stop, and now he was laying across the cell from him, whimpering and sobbing as the man who'd kidnapped them smirked down at him.

"I have a deal to make." He said suddenly, looking up at Peter. "Well, more or a game to play."

Peter didn't like the sound of this one bit and gritted his teeth. "And what might that be." He hissed.

The man chuckled. "First I must list his injuries." He said, nodding down at Edmund.

Peter frowned. "Why?" He asked.

"Because it'll make this all so much more fun if you know what's happened to him." The man explained, looking way too happy for someone that had just beaten an eighteen year old to the point of near unconsciousness.

Peter glared at the man, but that didn't stop him from opening his mouth to talk. "A broken arm, a broken leg." He began, staring straight into Peter's eyes the whole time. "Broken ribs, a dislocated shoulder, a broken wrist. Whip lashes covering his back, chest, stomach and legs, as well as slashes from a knife. A stab wound in his thigh, a burn across his chest, a split lip, a gash across his right cheek that ends just in the corner of the eye, surely enough to cause blindness if not treated soon, and goodness knows what internal injuries he has, but with the amount of kicks to the stomach he recieved, I wouldn't be surprised if there were many... many life threatening ones at that."

He stopped, and Peter had to swallow hard so he didn't throw up. "You monster." He spat, pure hatred lacing his quiet voice.

The man smirked. "Now that you know, I shall tell you the rules of the game." He murmured, before kicking Edmund in the side. "You better listen up too, cause this involves you maybe more than your brother."

Edmund gasped at the kick, but somehow had heard what the man had said and managed to nod his head, but his eyes were closed and he was shaking, hardly daring to move.

"I'll make a deal." The man said as he headed over to Peter and broke the chains around his wrists, taking him by surprise so he collapsed to the floor, groaning.

He was grabbed in a firm grip before he even had the chance to try and get to Edmund, and cursed under his breath at how close he had been.

He was led over to the corner of the room, where there was what looked like a bath tub, although it was made of solid stone, sealed to the wall and filled with clear, crystal water.

The man turned to Edmund, who was still on the floor, but now he was looking over at them, one eye half open but the other squeezed shut, clearly feeling the pain of the cut, and it was clear he was trying his best not to either move, or pass out. "Listen up." The guy announced. "Across the room over there, there's a lever, if you can make your way over and pull that lever, the water will be drained from here, and you'll save your brothers life."

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