174: September 5th

212 12 4

June 23rd - Prompt: Hurts like hell


Susan took a deep breath as her eyes flickered open, her heart skipping a beat at the fact that it was morning.

She lay in bed for ages, before slowly, very slowly, sitting up, the blanket falling away from her as she did.

She glanced sadly at the calander hanging on her bedroom wall, swallowing hard at what date is was.

September 5th.

Edmund's 20th birthday.

Or, it would be his birthday.

Susan ran a hand over her face, blinking back tears as she grabbed her dressing gown and headed downstairs, her steps steps and tired.

She reached the kitchen and got the kettle on to boil, flopping down at the table with a sigh.

She thought about Edmund as she sat there, of course she did, it was supposed to be his birthday after all.

Since the day he died Susan had never been able to get rid of the guilt, the guilt for shouting and arguing with him the very morning of his death.

The argument was probably the worst the two had ever had, and Susan had never, ever forgiven herself for some of the stuff she had said to her little brother.

The worst part was, was that she never got to apologise. The fact that she never got to say the word sorry to him hurt like hell, and she wished every single day that she had had time to put things right between them, or had just never shouted at him in the first place.

But it was all in the past now and there was nothing she could do to change it.

The kettle boiled and Susan stood to pour herself a cup of tear, tears in her eyes as she did.

"Happy Birthday Ed." He whispered as she poured the water. "I love you so, so much."


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