2: Practice makes perfect

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Jan 2nd - Prompt 2: Dancing


"I'm terrible at it." Peter grumbled.

Edmund smirked, laughing a little. "You'll get it eventually." He said, sounding amused.

"That's easy for you to say." Peter muttered. "You're brilliant at dancing! And you've hardly had any practice."

Edmund shrugged a little. "It just comes naturally I guess." He murmered. "But come on, you'll get the hang of it."

"All I've got the hang of at the moment is stepping on people's toes." Peter replied. "Our first ball is in a week, what if I have to dance with someone?!"

"Peter I keep telling you you'll be fine." Edmund said, keeping back a laugh. "Practice makes perfect okay?"

Peter stared at him, sighing and nodding. "Yeah okay." He breathed, before smiling a little. "To be honest, I don't even like dancing."

Edmund shrugged. "It's not the worst thing in the world, but it's definitely not the best, I wouldn't choose to do it." He said. "But we're Kings now, so I guess we're gonna have to get used to it."

"I guess so yeah." Peter breathed. "Susan and Lucy like it though."

"What do we like?"

Peter turned when his sisters walked into the room, a plate of cookies in Susan's hands. "Dancing." Peter replied.

"I think it's fun!" Lucy said happily as she sat beside her oldest brother, smiling.

"Peter doesn't think so." Edmund teased, smirking.

Peter rolled his eyes and playfully stuck out his tongue at his younger brother.

"How come?" Susan asked, offering Edmund a cookie who glady took one.

"I can't do it." Peter said with a shrug.

"Why?" Lucy asked, frowning.

Peter glanced at her. "Just can't seem to get the hang of it." He answered her.

Lucy nodded a little, before smiling again. "You'll get it eventually." She told him. "Practice makes perfect."

"That's what I said." Edmund said around a mouthful of chocolate chip cookie.

Susan raised an eyebrow at him, before turning to Peter, smiling. "Why don't we try and help you?" She suggested. "It might help you learn quicker."

Peter shrugged a little. "I guess it might." He murmered, before nodding, a small smile on his face. "Yeah okay, if you don't mind."

"Of course we don't." Lucy said happily, seeming thrilled at the idea of having a reason to dance.

"I'll just stand off to the side and watch Peter step on your toes." Edmund said, smirking mischievously.

Peter glared playfully at his brother. "You know I hate you right?" He muttered, smirking.

Edmund chuckled, taking another cookie and nodding. "I know."

Another shortish one but I swear they won't all be this short 😂

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