24: Well over a year

413 21 8

January 24th - Prompt: Smile



Edmund glanced up, looking a little worried when he spotted Peter stood just inside the tent. "Y - Yeah?" He asked, voice slow.

Peter stared at him for a very long time, before taking a deep breath. "Did - did she not - feed you?" He choked.

Edmund swallowed hard, he should've seen that question coming, but this soon after breakfast was a little bit of a shock... maybe Peter truly cared? "No." He whispered after a while. "She starved me."

Peter stood where he was for a little while, hardly even blinking as he stared at his brother, before he slowly walked over and sat on his hammock, pulling Edmund down gently to sit beside him. "I had a feeling." He murmured.

Edmund sighed, but didn't say anything.

"You don't need anything else do you?" Peter asked almost hesitantly. "Did you eat enough?"

Edmund's face softened at the sheer worry on his older brothers face, and wasn't able to stop the smile that came next.

Peter stared at him, tears filling his eyes. "I haven't seen you smile like that in well over a year." He breathed.

The smile dropped and Edmund swallowed hard, tears filling his own eyes because he knew it was true.

The smile he had just given Peter was a truly grateful smile, and if he was honest, he couldn't remember the last time he'd actually thanked Peter, let alone given him that smile.

"I'm sorry." Edmund choked, forcing back his tears no matter how much his eyes stung.

Peter sighed. "I know you are." He breathed, placing a hand gently on his younger brothers shoulder. "And I am too."

Before Edmund could interrupt Peter continued. "I should've given you way more opportunities to use that smile." He smiled a little at this, glancing down at Edmund.

Edmund smiled too. "I didn't make it easy for you." He said quietly.

Peter stared at him for ages, before taking a deep breath. "Come on." He breathed. "Let's go get some practice."

Edmund smiled once again. "Sounds like a good idea." He agreed.

Peter stood before hesitating. "You're not too sore?" He all but whispered.

Edmund chuckled gently. "I'm sure I'll be fine." He told him.

Peter didn't look too sure, but nodded his head. "Come on then." He said. "Bet I'll beat you."

Edmund smirked, and that playful smirk was also something Peter had missed. "Oh you're on."


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