136: You can't take him away from me

308 14 5

May 16th - Prompt: Please don't leave


Peter ran a hand through his hair as he sat against the cold, hard wall of the prison cell his was stuck in.

He was by himself for the moment, but he had been told Edmund would be here in a minute, and if he was honest that gave him mixed feelings.

It made him feel a tiny bit relieved because he wouldn't be alone, but it made him also feel terrified because he didn't want Edmund to be a prisoner, he wanted him to be back at Cair, safe.

He didn't have much longer to think, for the door suddenly burst open and Edmund was shoved into the room, landing on his hands and knees as the door was once again closed and locked.

Peter hurried over, kneeling beside Edmund as his brother sighed and sat up. "Ed?" He asked. "Ed you okay?"

Edmund glanced up at him and nodded slowly, but Peter could see right through him. "What?" He asked slowly.

"Nothing." Edmund replied, perhaps a little too quickly for Peter's liking.

"You're not telling me something." Peter pointed out.

Edmund frowned. "Peter are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm okay yes." Peter said. "Are you?"

"I said I'm fine." Edmund told him again, before leaning against the wall, wincing at the hard stone.

Peter stared at him for a while, but in the end fell silent and sat beside him. He wanted to point out the fact that Edmunds hands were shaking, but he got the hint that Edmund didn't want to talk, so he left him alone.

It must of been around half an hour later when the door burst open and a guard stepped into the room, staring directly at Edmund. "It's time." He snapped.

Edmund seemed to freeze, and Peter frowned. "Time for what?" He asked slowly, voice shaking a little.

The gaurd laughed. "Your precious little brother here is to be put to death." He replied.

This time Peter froze, his heart beginning to pound.

"He is to be beheaded in around five minutes time." The guard added, smirking a little.

Peter grabbed Edmund and pulled him close. "No." He snapped, shaking his head.

The guard rolled his eyes. "Imma need some help in here." He called out the door, two more guards quickly walking in.

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