56: 2am

392 17 2

February 25th - Prompt: Perfect


Edmund frowned as he was woken late one night, by the door opening it would seem.

It was funny how just a door could wake him, he used to be such a heavy sleeper, but ever since his time spent with the witch he was waking up at the slightest sound, but he hoped it would pass, as it had only been two weeks since the coronation.

He lay there for a moment, before he heard who he knew was Peter sigh.

He listened, wondering what time is was as he heard Peter walk slowly across the room over to his desk.

The sound of a chair being pulled back and Peter lighting some candles before sitting down made him frown, wasn't he going to bed?

He shifted a little in bed so he was able to see the clock, and was shocked at the fact that it was nearly 2am.

Hesitating just slightly, he quietly climbed out of bed, tip toeing over to his brother and placing a hand on his shoulder.

Peter jumped, eyes going wide as he turned to find Edmund, before relaxing. "Ed." He breathed. "I thought you were asleep."

Edmund stared at him. "I was." He said slowly.

Peter groaned. "Sorry for disturbing you." He sighed.

Edmund shook his head. "Why aren't you going to bed?" He asked. "It's 2 o'clock Peter."

Peter bit his lip. "I have to get this done." He breathed.

Edmund shook his head. "Not at 2 o'clock in the morning you don't." He said somewhat firmly.

"Ed, just go back to bed." Peter told him. "You're tired, I know it."

"Yeah, and I know that you are too." Edmund said, raising an eyebrow. "You've had too much work to do since the coronation, and you need to sleep Peter, seriously you'll make yourself sick.

"I'm fine Ed." Peter muttered.

"Peter listen to me." Edmund sighed. "You're not perfect, no one is! You're not going to be able to do everything in one day. Sleep, and then come back to it tomorrow."

Peter stared at him for a very long time, before nodding. "Yeah okay." He sighed, standing and blowing out the candles.

Edmund watched him as he kicked off his boots, removed his crown and climbed into bed without even getting changed.

"Idiot." Edmund murmured to himself, shaking his head with a fond smirk on his face.

"I heard that." Came Peter's tired, amused voice.

"Of course you did." Edmund muttered, still smirking as he returned to his own bed.


Edmund stopped just before he sat down, sighing but heading over to Peter, climbing under the covers beside his brother.

"You told me to sleep," Peter said quietly. "And now I won't have nightmares."

Edmund stared at him for a moment before swallowing hard. "I am sorry you know." He sighed. "Your nightmares are my fault."

Peter shook his head. "Don't be silly." He told him. "You also stop those nightmares by being here so don't feel too bad."

Edmund smiled gently. "Go on, get some sleep, I'm not leaving." He whispered.

Peter nodded, allowing his eyes to slip shut. "Thank you." He murmured, before falling into a deep sleep.


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