134: Together

249 14 6

May 14th - Prompt: Castle


Edmund yawned as he climbed out of bed, rubbing at his eyes and all but forcing himself to stay awake, he should not of stayed up that late reading last night.

Grabbing his dressing gown Edmund flung it over him, tying the cord as he wandered over to the curtains, intending on seeing what the weather was like.

Opening his eyes a bit more he drew them back, glancing outside, but when he did his eyes went wide.

Now he was awake.

Dashing from his room, he ran as fast as he could down the corridor and started hammering on his brother's door. "Peter!" He shouted. "Get up!"

He caught the attention of two guards coming around the corner, and they immediately began walking towards him.

"Peter, get out of bed!" Edmund called, pounding on the door.

Five seconds later the door opened, to reveal a very tired looking Peter, in his pajamas with his hair sticking up on end. "What?" He grumbled.

Edmund burst into the room, running over and drawing back the curtains, Peter following slowly behind, beyond confused in his half asleep state. "What on earth are you doing Ed?" He muttered.

"Look." Edmund murmured, nodding out the window.

Peter turned to look, and his eyes went wide. "What - When?" He choked, very much awake now.

"Last night obviously." Edmund replied.

"But who?!"

Edmund took a closer look out the window. "I don't know." He breathed. "But they're human."

Peter sighed, running a hand through his hair. "There are thousands of them!" He explained.

"They've surrounded the entire castle." Edmund told him, sounding worried.

"Your majesties!"

Peter turned when Orious came running into the room. "We've seen them Orious." He breathed.

"I - I would like to apologise for not seeing them." The centaur continued.

But Peter shook his head. "It's not your fault." He breathed, before swallowing hard. "We are in no way prepared for a war this size." He said quickly. "I don't think there's even enough troops inside Cair."

Edmund fully agreed with him, they'd been taken by surprise and definitely were not ready. "You reckon that was their plan all along?" He wandered. "They're just gonna wait and starve us out."

Peter shook his head. "We have plenty of food." He said slowly.

"For the amount of people in Cair?" Edmund asked. "What about everyone that just came for a visit yesterday and hasn't left yet? That's added numbers, not to mention we were supposed to have a delivery of food today!"

"Are we low then?" Peter murmured, sounding worried.

Edmund bit his lip. "Rationing is definitely on the table." He sighed.

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