93: You'll get through this

339 17 4

April 3rd - Prompt: Fever


"He does have quite a bad fever I'm afraid."

Peter sighed, nodding slowly as he sat stroking the sweaty hair from his brother's forehead. "Will he be okay?" He asked.

The healer nodded. "With the right care and plenty on rest, he should start feeling better in a week or two." She answered.

Peter smiled weakly. "Thank you." He breathed, waiting until the healer had left before turning to his brother. "You never do anything like this half way do you?" He murmured.

Edmund smiled weakly, his eyes only half open as he looked up at his older brother. "Why an earth would I?' He whispered jokingly.

Peter shook his head in amusement, before placing his palm to Edmunds forehead. "You're burning up." He mumbled.

"Yeah, that usually comes with a fever Pete." Edmund slurred, his eyes drooping.

"Stay awake Eddy." Peter sighed. "Just have a drink and some food then you can get some sleep."

Edmund shook his head. "Not hungry." He mumbled.

Peter sighed sadly. "You sure?" He asked, sounding worried.

Edmund only nodded in reply, and he clearly didn't want to eat.

Peter bit his lip, but didn't push him, only brushed back his hair and placed a kiss to his forehead. "I'll get you a drink yeah?" He said.

Edmund gave him another weak smile. "Thanks." He whispered.

Peter hesitated. "How - How you feeling?" He breathed.

"Bloody awful." Was Edmunds reply, his eyes were closed now, and he was fighting to stay conscious.

"You'll get through this." Peter told him gently. "You'll be feeling better in a week or so, just make sure you rest enough."

Edmund nodded weakly, taking hold of Peter's hand, the one that wasn't on his forehead. "I know." He whispered.

Peter squeezed his brother's hand, forcing a small smile even if Edmund wasn't looking at him or couldn't see him. "Wait here." He murmured, heading over to the table where there was a jug of water.

He poured a glass, before returning to his brother and helping him sit up.

Edmund groaned and leant against Peter, which left his brother rather worried, but he calmed him with a small shake of his head. "I'm just achy Peter." He muttered. "I'll be okay."

Peter didn't look too sure, but didn't say anything else and just placed the rim of the cup to Edmunds lips.

He only managed to drink a little before laying back down, burying under the covers and pulling them up to his chin.

"Get some sleep." Peter told him, his voice soft and caring. "I'll wake you for dinner later, when I want you to actually at least try and eat something, okay?"

But he never got an answer, for Edmund was already fast asleep, mouth open slightly and eyes squeezed shut.

He looked uncomfortable, but Peter didn't think there was anything he could do, so he just tucked the blankets in better around him, placed a kiss to the top of his head before sitting back in his chair, taking a book from the bedside table.

It was safe to say that he wouldn't be leaving Edmund's bedside for a long while yet.


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