85: And you call me protective

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March 26th - Prompt: Pressure


Edmund was shocked when he walked into Peter's room that evening, to find Peter sat at his desk, face buried in his hands, curtains drawn, paper stacked either side of him, and ink staining his clothes. "Peter?"

Peter's head snapped up, and when he saw Edmund he sighed. "Ed." He murmured, sounding beyond exhausted.

"What an earth are you doing?" Edmund asked, walking over.

"I'm working." Peter responded.

"Why are you covered in ink?" Edmund said, frowning.

Peter sighed. "I spilt the ink pot." He muttered with a shrug, as if it were no big deal.

Edmund stared at him. "How long have you been up here doing this?" He asked. "I've been wondering what you've been doing all day."

"I've been here since I woke up." Peter grumbled.

"Tell me you've eaten?" Edmund said. "I assumed you were just gonna eat in your room, but by the looks of you I wouldn't be surprised if you haven't."

Peter bit his lip. "I had lunch." He said quietly.

"What did you have?"

"An apple."

Edmund mentally facepalmed. "When you said that you had work to do, I didn't think you meant this much, I didn't think you'd lock yourself in your room for the entire day, and I certainly didn't think you wouldn't eat."

Peter groaned. "I'm just too stressed to eat." He said. "I've got so much paperwork to go through, so many documents to sign. I'm behind because I was ill, and now I'll never catch up."

"Peter, you were sick with the flu!" Edmund snapped. "People are going to understand if you're behind on work, you couldn't leave your bed for a week!"

Peter sighed. "I need to get all this done Ed." He choked.

Edmunds face fell at the break in his voice, and he sighed sadly. "You're putting way too much pressure on yourself." He told him. "You'll make yourself sick again if you stress yourself out too much, you're only recently better."

Peter buried his face in his hands again, shaking his head. "I know." He murmured. "But-"

"No, Peter." Edmund sighed. "Look, you clearly need help, and I'll help you, all you had to do is ask."

"Ed you have your own stuff to do." Peter said.

"But I also have plenty of spare time." Edmund reminded him.

"I can't ask you to give up your spare time." Peter breathed.

"You're not asking, I'm offering." Edmund corrected him. "And you're going to let me help."

Peter stared at him, nodding slowly.

"But as of now," Edmund said firmly. "I'm going to get you something to eat, a full meal, and then you're going to get some sleep, you're pale and I'm worried, if you fall ill again i'll kill you."

Peter smirked a little. "And you call me protective." He muttered.

Edmund rolled his eyes. "I mean it Peter." He said gently. "You will-"

"Get ill again, I know." Peter sighed. "Alright."

Edmund gave him a small smile, before grabbing a change of clothes and throwing them at his older brother. "Get ready for bed." He said. "I'll go find you some food and you can eat up here."

"Dinner in bed?" Peter teased. "Hmm, I'm getting used to this"

"Well it isn't lasting much longer." Edmund shot back playfully. "You're not sick anymore Peter, no more special treatment."

"Except for tonight." Peter reminded him.

Edmund tried hiding a smirk, but it didn't work. "Except for tonight yes." He said. "Now I'll be back as soon as I can, and I want you in bed by the time I am."

Peter laughed. "Alright, alright." He breathed, standing from the desk.

Edmund gave him a cheeky grin, before leaving the room, leaving Peter stood there, shaking his head in amusement before he went to get changed.


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